The winning votes for the Skelekitty rubber stamps are in!
77% of voters overwhelmingly chose "Welcome Home" (Skelekitty rubbing against skeleton legs) as their favorite!
The detail from "Play Time!" featuring Skelekitten popping out from behind a ball of yarn came in second (68% of voters liked her).
The new Skele-Mer-kitty (which you voted on without the benefit of seeing the final drawing) received votes from 51% of folks, as did "Always Time for Love" - the image of kitty popping up from behind a heart.
Thanks for voting everyone! Stay tuned for all the pertinent information on release dates, purchase info (location & price) and maybe even more stamps! Again, special thanks to Lee at Guadalupe Fun Rubber Stamps and Stampa Fe Art Stamps for making this possible! them! I like the skelekitty with ball of yarn best!