The return of Skelekitty, as it was coined by my "Aunt Merry" (just "Pancho" to me), will take place at Side Show Studios' 2nd annual super-awesome Women Uncovered show this month. And OH BOY are there some amazing artists in this show, including a few who were too askeered to show their stuff before!
*On accounta I love you all so much, I'm running my own version of a recession special: for those of you without free-flowing cashola, 8x10" prints will be at the gallery for a mere $15 each. Ya gotta love affordable art, yeah?
I'll also have a couple pieces at the annual Body Tribe anniversary show, including 12 Bad Eggs and Grinding To A Hault.

12 bad eggs (12x12" mixed media on birch)

grinding to a hault (12x12" mixed media on birch)
HOWEVER, the most exciting news about this year's "Body" show at The Tribe is that my very VERY good friend of too many years to count, Keith Bowers, will be participating! I've been friends with KB since High School, when I used to do his eyeliner in the caf. before classes (hey, it was the 80s). One of his large canvasses used to hang in the dining room of my apartment at 24th & Bryant in the Mission (where all the parades start!). I'm excited to see he's still creating.

Several of his sculptures will be on exhibit at this year's annual Body show - so why not come out and see him and his awesomeness?
Oh, and don't forget that TODAY is the final day to enter the "Break the Rules" contest - you might win a set of my Loteria cards!
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