After all of the input, I think I've made my decision to use this slightly revised version of "option one:"

Despite the many opinions coming to me via my facebook page, Flickr profile, e-mail, chats, etc., I managed to actually update this blog (you may have noticed) with the new banner and look. I hope you like it, but, as I realized today, you'll probably tell me if you don't. *wink*
More news! As of last night, I have closed my stores over on Etsy and will be using Artfire exclusively for the time being. BEFORE you ask me why I a) like AF better and b) don't like Etsy, let me assure you that composing a post on just that subject was one of the many things I was also trying to do today. The post is forthcoming, I assure you. In the meantime, just check out the shop, "Skelekitty and Friends (skeleton characters & fine art by Krissi Sandvik)" over on Artfire and quit asking so many questions! LOL.

If you forget where it is or how to find the shop, there are links-a-plenty on Skelekitty's website, her blog, this blog (psst! look at the shop thingie to your left!) and even a shopping kiosk right on my facebook page AND Skelekitty's facebook fan page. Oh, and did I mention you don't have to sign up for an account to shop? Neato, huh?
So now that my blog is updated and my business card layout is decided upon, I need to design the back of the card - sounds easy until I tell you that it's going to be Skelekitty's business card. That means I need to create a new design and a new layout, which means new headaches. Ugh. Oh, and then I should probably update HER blog layout to look all nice and consistent too, huh?
Oh yeah, then I get to work on krissisandvik.com which I've been neglecting for far too long.
Back to the grind!
Like the new look on the blog!