Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Dork Alert!

Sneaky sneak preview of the 2008 Christmas episode, "The Next Doctor."

Now, of course, I wish we had BBC America more than ever! I'm not sure I can wait for the Sci Fi Channel to run new episodes sometime in the summer....


  1. I guess it's not available yet on DVD? I'm DYING here. Let's hope an outcome of the Obama administration is to make the FCC consumer rather than MegaCorporation friendly so that we can order cable channels "à la carte". That's expection 16,321 for Obama....

  2. DVD? Dude, they won't even see this in ENGLAND until Christmas Day! Us poor suckers over here in the States will just have to suffer (or hope for an upload to You Tube as our Christmas present).

  3. OOhhh!! I thought I was the only sci-fi dork. We just finished season two; I think they just killed off Rose! But don't tell me!! And, I'm counting the days until the new Battlestar Galactica series starts again.

  4. LOL Michele! No - as a matter of fact, my geekiness is what got me started in painting and crafting. Those D&D figurines weren't going to paint themselves, after all!
