I know a lot of you are awaiting the next installment of my reviews of the Crafty Chica product line, but please be assured that I have not forgotten you. As a matter of fact, I have MORE to tell you about! I picked up a set of the DIY Appliqués and will be adding those to my list of reviews soon, but I'm waiting for one particular product to arrive first (hint: I use these in my fabric art a LOT and the Chica just came out...
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Getting Smaller and Stronger!

First Turkish Get Up with 15# barOriginally uploaded by krissi's stitchery & mexiphemeraHere's my first-ever video installment chronicling my shrinking body / increasing strength. Appropriately, it shows my first-ever Turkish get up with a barbell (15#), with a windmill at the top for added fun.Thank you (again and again and...)...
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Rennaisance Woman, Al Seconds
I go on about my trainer, Allyson, a lot. It's because she's awesome and I figure she deserves some recognition for putting up with the original "grumble bee" (yep, that's me). In the past week, we've had a few gym breakthroughs despite all of my recent health ... err ... "annoyances:"
I look forward to going to the gym, especially if I'm...
My Personal "Plan B"
Hey! You creative types out there! Yeah, YOU! If you aren't already a subscriber, today is THE day to start reading Kathy Cano-Murillo's blog, Diary of a Crafty Chica: Why "Plan B" rocks.
Skelekitty was my Plan B.
I wanted to be a "great" fiber artist, creating stunningly colorful quilts that made you want to cry and laugh at the same...
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
"I Can't Draw."
I'm tired of being afraid of drawing! Even the thought of sketching Skelekitty has scared me in the recent past (though I could probably render one of her in my sleep by now). After seeing the unbelievable progress that my Sistah in Craftiness, Yoli of Sacred Snatch, made in her online mixed-media class with Suzi Blu, I bit the bullet and...
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Scary CRAFT's "Night of the Crafters" is tonight!
Don't forget, my little zombies! Join the ladies of Scary CRAFT -scariness optional- and create along with your pals tonight and on the 4th Tuesday evening of the month (Jan - Oct) from 6pm - 9pm!The very generous Side Show Studios offers a bright, well lighted place for crafts with plenty of parking.There's no admission fee and we have...
Monday, August 25, 2008
New blog toy
At the bottom of each post you'll find "reaction buttons" and ratings!Have fun, my frien...
Saturday, August 23, 2008
What a Sparkletastic Day!
Whew! I almost can't believe I made it through yesterday, but boy, was it ever fun!I started off my morning (like almost every morning) by reading a few pages of whatever book I have my nose glued in at the moment. Right now, I'm re-reading A Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez for the first time since college (I graduated...
Friday, August 22, 2008
Craft Storage (IKEA)
Did you know that fabric and crafting supplies are actually gaseous substances which expand to fit the available space? Of course you did.I opened my link to one of my new favorite blogs, Craft Critique, earlier this week to find a post on Ikea for Craft Storage. I love this site because the reviews are clear and informative and, once again,...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
The Sparkle Storm is COMING!

A bunch of us glitter & glue junkies have been telling you for AGES about the Crafty Chica product line by Duncan Crafts, and the Spread the Sparkle Tour Kathy Cano-Murillo is doing to promote the line!Tonight she wraps up the Southern CA portion of the tour then heads up here for the last three tour dates:Thursday, August 21, 6 – 8 p.m.2040...
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Two new creations (mixed media)
At long last, here are the new pieces up at Grind & Groove in Midtown Sacramento through the end of the month (along with four quilts, a framed print and a hand painted frame). Since I have a little cold, I figured I might as well catch up on uploading photos in between naps. First,"Star F*cker"16x11" mixed media on canvasMany of us...
Bottlecap Jewelry (with You-Know-Who) on Etsy
I finally got off my butt and listed some bottlecap pendants (featuring Skelekitty and other designs from my quilts, acrylics and digital works) in my Etsy shop!Each pendant comes on an 18 or 20" ball chain with clasp and is only $17 (earrings will soon be available for $20/pair or you can buy the trio/set for ... oh, let's say $32).The line...
A Goth Seamstress's Delight!
My pal and fellow Scary Crafter, Melody of the Sugar Cube Society recently opened a new business called CrimSin Dark Arts, featuring creations from the twisted side of her personality (actually, I think both sides of her personality are twisted, which I why I love her so). Check out her newest creation!There's only ONE of these precious...
Monday, August 18, 2008
Scary CRAFT: Online Tutorial & August Craft Challenge!
A craft challenge for y'all!Scary CRAFT: Online Tutorial & August Craft Challen...
Scary CRAFT's Night of the Crafters approacheth...
It's just over a week away - find out what's up for Sacramento's original craft night this month!Scary CRAFT: August Craft Night - Little Black Hats & Mo...
Friday, August 15, 2008
Random SEVERE Cuteness
Here are a couple of photos (sorry for the cameraphone quality) I took after my workout at Body Tribe today. Allyson is my super-awesome personal trainer who has gotten me to do stuff I never would have thought possible ... while smiling, no less. Lulu is Al's first dog, and she (Lulu) is very cute, energetic, smart and eager to please....
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Another Side of "Krissi"
I know most of the art up on my site is colorful to the point of garishness, and on top of that, it features a lot of anatomical pieces (hearts, bones, etc.). Hey, it's my thing. However, I thought several of my readers might be interested in seeing some of the "tamer" stuff (pun intended) I've done.Case in point - "Bear and Valentino"I...
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Crafty Chica Products REVIEW PART 2
Yesterday, I reviewed several of the new Crafty Chica craft products (by Duncan) which are now available to us, the crafting rabble including her glitters, loteria game and decorative papers.Today, as I promised, MORE product reviews! WOO HOO!Glossy Gloss Varnishoverview: It's a clear, non-yellowing brush-on high gloss varnish with just...
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Crafty Chica Products REVIEW PART 1
As you all MUST know by now, my pal, partner in Crayola-like hair color, awesome chick and creator of the Crafty Chica "brand," Kathy Cano-Murillo is out on the road pimpin' her brand spankin' new craft supply line (created by her at Duncan)! If this is news to you, check out the schedule for the Spread the Sparkle Tour going on NOW in...
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