Today's Marketing Tidbit is a 2fer since I've been gone for so long.
First, some organization: I've tried going off memory to make sure that everything I want to go into packages actually gets in there. I fail every time. - luckily, the item that usually gets left out is the invoice (annoying, but not critical). I think it's...
Monday, October 31, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
Sugar Skull Mask Tutorial!! Woo Hoo!

A little over a week ago, I was lamenting the loss of my muse on Facebook and Google+ in the hopes that someone would say something to spark my imagination. Most of my artist friends were also dealing with creative blocks, so we figured that our muses all took off with the 'blue flu' (or whatever prompts inspirational goddesses to go AWOL...
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Excuses, Tutorials and A BIG-ASS GROUP SALE!

Have you been wondering where I was? Yeah. Me too. First, I survived "The Plague" (OK, it was really just strep & sinusitis) which seems to be going around with a vengeance this Autumn.
Second, I've been blogging every week over at Modern Rosies (and I have another really REALLY awesome Ask Krissi's Art Studio...
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Handmade For The Holidays
Folks, here's a little one-hand-washes-the-other action for you and me. Listen up. and have revamped their wish list integration. What that means:
you can add ANY ArtFire item to your Amazon wishlist with the click of a link (conveniently located right under the "Add To Cart" button, and
when you add an ArtFire...
Friday, October 7, 2011
Looking For A Few Good Bloggers

I know, it's sort of cruel to get you hooked on a tutorial that's spread across six entries and then leave you hanging with nothing on a Friday.
Except I didn't.
where empowered people get inspired
Every Friday, I publish an Ask Krissi's Art Studio column on Modern Rosies, a blog on September 1st, 2011 by bag designer Brooke...
Thursday, October 6, 2011
The How-To on How-To's Part II (Writing Style)
Here we are at part 2 of my how-to on how-tos. By breaking this tutorial-writing tutorial up into sections, you have a little more time to focus on each aspect of writing a good tutorial before I throw the next bunch of information at you.
Last time I covered the importance of using photos in your posts (feel free to review...
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
The How-To on How-To's Part I (Photos)

I was recently named "best tutorialer on the web" by my friend Rachelle Rose. OK, so it's not a REAL award, but dang it, I think I do write tutorials pretty well. Once I finished patting myself on the back for that major award, I realized something. If I am so great at writing tutorials, I should probably write one on how...
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
We Apologize For This Brief Interruption In Service.... *beeeeeeeeeeeeeep*

Hi everyone! *cough* I still have plenty of marketing tidbits for all of... of... *AhhhCHOO!* coming up in the very near future. *sniffle* I promise.
I hope to be back in the full swing of things by the end of this week or early next if the stuff the doctor gave me works on this nasty head-cold-turned-strep-throat...
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