Monday, December 13, 2010

Falling In And Out Of Love (Denouncing Glittersniffer Cosmetics)

The following post was original written for my personal facebook profile yesterday.  However, since that profile is not public and I have several blog readers who also follow my hair and makeup recommendations, I am reposting it here. Falling in and out of love (or, "dude, it's only make-up") by Krissi Sandvik on Sunday, December...
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Monday, November 22, 2010

The Sales Are Coming, Hooray, Hooray!

I have two new announcements about my shop, Krissi's Art Studio (home of Skelekitty and Friends) and one about the super-awesome fantastic group I work with, so let's get right to it, I know you all have pies to make and last-minute groceries to pick up! GIFT CERTIFICATES ARE HERE!   Starting this week and continuing until... well, whenever, Krissi's Art Studio will offer gift certificates for the most popular items...
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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Year Two With Dog - It's Still Bliss

If you've been following my posts and photos and social networking around the web, then you know that Ron and I are the lucky "humans" to a very, VERY adorable Jack Russell Terrier named Abby. Abby loves to snuggle! Today is the second anniversary of the day she found us on a hiking trail in Coloma (Sutter's Mill), California (and here...
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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Ask me anything about my art, makeup, hair or life!
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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

In The Spirit

My GLAAD Spirit Day purple eyeshadow, all by Glittersniffer Cosmetics.  Say, did you know she's running a GLAAD fundraiser?  Yep!  Check it out! If you don't know about Spirit Day, you can read all about it here, but here is the short version:  Purple symbolizes 'spirit' on the rainbow flag, a symbol for LGBT Pride. ...
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Monday, October 18, 2010

FAQ: Can I Use That Image? (aka Copyright 101)

Intellectual property (patents, licenses, copyrights) is a pretty tough concept to get your mind around, but you are in luck.  As it happens, before I was a full time artist, I used to negotiate licensing agreements.  True story.  And since I received two almost identical inquiries involving this very subject in the last few months, I figured it warranted its own post. In both cases, the requests boiled down to...
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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Make-Up Quickie (Blog Version): Brush Cleaner Recipes & Tips 'N' Hints!

I don't care if you clean your room, but you MUST clean your makeup brushes after every use.  However, it's not necessary to do a full wash every single day unless you are a professional makeup artist using your tools on others!  I usually wash my brushes (full scrubby wash with soap and warm running water) once a week if I wear makeup every day. For between applications cleaning, I use a liquid brush cleaner which...
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Saturday, October 2, 2010

YAY! Bewbies!

For the entire month of October, 8x10" prints of my painting "Survivor" will be on sale for only $8.50.  This sale may not be combined with other offers, but there is no limit on the number of these you can purchase, so if you want 10 of 'em, I'm happy to package them all up for you! "Survivor" features a pink breast cancer awareness...
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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Krissi's F#@% Up Studio (Bloopers & Outtakes #1)

'Cause I'm just plain ol' silly most da...
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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Revel in your Geekocity!

I understand there is now an "Embrace your Inner Geek" day (July 13th). OK.  Fair enough.... But in all honesty, I'm not sure I HAVE an inner geek - I think everything geeky and dorky is pretty much out there for all to see.  I mean, I open my mouth and I'm sure people mentally label me DORK! within the first 2.25 minutes. ...
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Friday, July 16, 2010

Show N Tell / Stuff N Things (SNT2) #1

Hi all! As you must certainly know by now, I love "stuff,"   My newest acquisition was given as a birthday present by my LSH (Long Suffering Husband) - a laptop equipped with a webcam!  That means I can start sharing my STUFF collection with all of you!  Hoorah!  Here is my first Show N Tell of Stuff N Things (SNT²). Curtain please... LINKS!  LINKS!  LINKS! Website/shop (facebook fan page)...
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Monday, July 5, 2010

FAQs Answered: How do you make your prints?

I get this question all the time (*cough* 50% of the time it's from people who don't want to do their own research *cough*).   I photograph, crop, color correct, digitally manipulate (if necessary to reposition aspects to fit in 8x10 aspect ratio) and print all of my pieces myself. Camera: I have a Nikon D40X camera and use a tripod and a Tamron 18-270 lens with vibration control. Software/hardware: I use a variety...
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Friday, May 21, 2010

First Public Art Project

One of my business goals for the year was to find and push the limits of my comfort zone.  Now it may not seem scary to you, but I was in a perpetual state of terror last year when I was talked into drawing Skelekitty live and in public for last year's "Chalk It Up to Sacramento" festival.  While there were a few snotty comments...
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Thursday, May 20, 2010

What made you try pyrography?

I've been fascinated with pyrography (literally, burn drawing – in my case on wood) for a while as a decorative craft, probably because my father was a woodworker when he wasn't practicing law. However, I didn't pick up an actual wood burner until 2006, when I took a mixed media class. Although wood burning was not the central theme of the course, it was something that I enjoyed and therefore continued to practice until it...
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Friday, April 23, 2010

Schnauzer With A Mohawk

OK.  I know I have been remiss in posting, so to tide you all over while you wait for the good stuff - check out this awesome doggy from our local park. In the near future, you can expect full posts on: The Crafty Chica Cruise project updates review on Glittersniffer Cosmetics! pigments and products artists to watch at least ONE new...
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Monday, March 22, 2010

OMG! How Did I NOT Know This Existed???

Did you (or perhaps your brother) build models when you were a kid?  Remember the super cool "water slide" decals that you used to put the Union colors on your Sopwith Camel?  (Oh, tidbit o' info, the British flag is only the "Union Jack" at sea - at all other times, it is the "Union Flag.") Well, now you can make your OWN water...
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Friday, March 5, 2010

Swag From A Cross-Dressing Cat

I just opened a mail package from my pal Amy of Oblinaknit to find the  super cool hot pink custom "Zip It" and "Wristlet" I ordered!  When the sun comes back up tomorrow I'll take some snaps of the inside - I love the linings in both pieces, but the bees inside the wristlet are to DIE for! She also sent along some cool swag,...
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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Nifty Tip - Never Do Work Twice If You Can Do It Once

So as many of you may know, my beloved Moleskine sketchbook is where I work out most of my ideas as preliminary sketches and color studies.  Example: the sketch for my next painting, which is of a rising phoenix. I was really happy (and surprised) that the first freehand sketch came out well and really didn't even want to think about...
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Friday, February 19, 2010

What I got today!

The release date for Kathy Cano-Murillo's first novel, Waking Up In The Land of Glitter is March 1, but keep your eyes peeled for my review so...
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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Most Requested List: Image Transfer Tutorial (packing tape version)

Y'all have been begging and bugging me for this for at least a year.  Here it is! Packing Tape Image Transfers Almost every single one of my mixed-media pieces has some kind of an image transfer in it.  Some are gel medium transfers (we'll do that another day, OK?), but most are packing tape transfers.  I prefer them because...
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Monday, February 8, 2010

Piratical Pics

I just thought I'd share a pic of the Jolly Jalepeño painting which I received from my pal Jill, proprietress of Swag Arts.  She bought this little baby before I'd even finished painting it last year! It looks like my spicy little skele-pirate painting is loving life in the galley. It's always wonderful to see art get 'just the right'...
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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Mini Tutorial on Masking Off

Did I ever post about the winged 'breast cancer survivor' heart I did for my High School pal, Michael Challand? No? Hm. Go figure. Well, here it is: He and his wife commissioned this in honor of their mothers, both of whom are breast cancer survivors. You can see more pictures of this piece and the other sacred hearts I've painted here. ...
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