Monday, July 28, 2008

Golden Child: Chris Cozen

Yesterday, the mixed media artists group to which I (and La Snatchita) belong, met, as we do once a month. Our meeting was almost canceled when a family emergency took our scheduled presenter out of town. However, yesterday fortune managed a smile for our group and we were treated to a presentation by Pasadena-based Golden Working Artist,...
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Friday, July 25, 2008

Holy Recycled Junk!

My pal, cohort in Scary CRAFT crime and sometimes psychiatric counselor Sacred Snatch comes up with a great ideas for swaps on Swap-Bot (oh, if you're not over there yet, you should be)."Recycle Yo Junk!" was a group swap she created for some of the crazy-ass girlies who were on the Crafty Chica Cruise this past March. As you would suppose,...
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Alive and WELL!

Sorry I've been M.I.A. for the last week, but it's because I'm feeling so much better, that I've returned to the gym and am working furiously to catch up on a horrifying backlog of work (truly horrifying).In short, the pain, nausea and other fun and games I've been experiencing over the past month were caused by another medication I was taking. It wasn't the obvious suspect until everything else was ruled out because I've been...
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Monday, July 21, 2008

Yes, Virginia, There IS A Craft Night!

Fear not, fellow craftistas! We will be crafting with abandon tomorrow (Tuesday) evening from 6-ish to 9-ish at Side Show Studios!Your lovely hostesses have decided to forego the challenge and the tutorial portions of our program, and have cleared the entire evening's schedule so that you, dear crafters, can focus on your projects in earnest! (Actually, as most of you know, I was under the weather, and Ms. Yoli was working like...
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Friday, July 18, 2008

Good News and No News

First, the good: I won't be needing surgery to remove my gall bladder at this juncture. The "no news:" I'm still a mystery.I've repeated the details of my story a few times with friends and during the tellings, a few of my chronic issues always come up. I have some auto-immune issues like Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, which my sister calls "most dishonorable thyroid disorder." I've discovered over the past decade that, with one auto-immune...
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The Amazing Colossal Art Show - B-Movie themed benefit for flood victims!

The Amazing Colossal Art Show is TOMORROW! What is it? you ask. Well I'll tell ya:A “B-Movie”-themed art sale to benefit the flood victims in Franklin, IN, home of the Midwest’s second annual “B-Movie Celebration.” The Amazing Colossal Art Show will be hosted by Franklin’s adopted daughter and Sacramento's own local B-Movie goddess,...
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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The source of my frustration:

I've been poked, prodded and subjected to various indignities involving small plastic cups since July 4th when I went into the ER with severe pain in my abdomen. Imagine someone blowing up a huge balloon in there. Ugh.All of the tests have come back normal / negative - no infection, not pregnant, not h.pylori or any other such nastiness....
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Monday, July 14, 2008

In lieu of my own blog...

My closest friends and a few of my colleagues know that I've been dealing with a mystery health malfunction over the past few weeks, for which I still don't have a diagnosis. The problem isn't life threatening or anything, but the occasional pain and the turn-you-into-a-zombie meds have worn me down a bit. This of course, is the reason...
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Saturday, July 5, 2008

Skelekitty's Fave Blogs

So Skelekitty has been adding to her list of favorite crafty & artsy bloggers on a regular basis and has awarded the "Skelekitty Stamp of Approval" to the blogs listed on the right hand side of this very blog.When you're cruisin' the web, check these folks out. You'll be glad you did! Also, if I'm missing a GREAT blog, please nominate...
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Thursday, July 3, 2008

It's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye

...or you have to fill out a government form.Skelekitty becoming stamps (and I'm looking into silk-screened tees) = AWESOME. We're making an honest kitty out of her and she'll soon have the little registered mark to flash at everyone. However, reading instructions and filling out of US Library of Congress copyright forms is not for the squeamish.Mind you, I'm NOT complaini...
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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

And the winners are...

Skelekitty Rubber Stamp flyer (1)Originally uploaded by krissi's stitchery & mexiphemera The winning votes for the Skelekitty rubber stamps are in!77% of voters overwhelmingly chose "Welcome Home" (Skelekitty rubbing against skeleton legs) as their favorite!The detail from "Play Time!" featuring Skelekitten popping out from behind a ball...
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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Skelekitty is branching out into a LINE of rubber stamps!

So, you've probably heard that my original Skelekitty character is going to be made into a rubber stamp by Stampa Fe Rubber Stamps (and carried in at least one specialty store).Well, I got a message from Stampa Fe's owner this morning saying that she wants to create a line of at least 3 or 4 stamps right off the bat!EEEEP! and YAY! So what images should I use?? You tell me, would ya?Please help by voting on which images you...
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