StampaFe Art Stamps let me know today that they have the plates for the Skelekitty stamps in hand! They're working on a big wholesale order (sounds like their business is doing well!), so we're looking at about two weeks until y'all can order stamps! Of course, I will make an announcement right here as soon as they're available for order.
I'm all kitty-happy, 'cause StampaFe is really going all out by putting an ad in Rubber Stamp Madness magazine for the Nov/Dec/Jan issue:
as well as one in the Northern New Mexico Quilt Guild's "Quilt Fiesta" guide!
The Quilt Fiesta is a biennial quilt show held in October on even numbered years in one of my (and Krissi's) favorite towns, Santa Fe, NM. This year's Quilt Fiesta theme is Tradition Transformed: The New Art of Quilting, which, if I do say so myself, fits in pretty well with what we have going on over here - given that the first time I showed up, I was on a quilt!
I think I'll go have myself a little catnip and relax in a sunbeam. Life is good.
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