Monday, September 29, 2008

Two great things - great together

Venture Brothers+ Mexican popular culture___________________________________________a totally krissi-fied version of H.E.L.P.eR.'s Tijuana paintjobClicky on H.E.L.P.eR. for the beeg version so you can see a closeup of the Walt Prey inspired roses and the iridescent paint giving him that lowrider sparkle. I have a lot more planned for this...
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Friday, September 26, 2008

You're in Charge (sorta)

In every single survey or profile that poses the question, 'what is your pet peeve?' I always answer without hesitation, unsolicited advice. This is very much true in life with a few exceptions, like when Yoli or Nik -as two of my closest friends- tell me I'm being a dick I know they're doing it for my own good and not to hurt my feelings...
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Monday, September 22, 2008

Stamp Update!

A little cross-posting at Skelekitty's request!StampaFe Art Stamps let me know today that they have the plates for the Skelekitty stamps in hand! They're working on a big wholesale order (sounds like their business is doing well!), so we're looking at about two weeks until y'all can order stamps! Of course, I will make an announcement right...
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Saturday, September 20, 2008

New Painting In Progress and a Little Irritation

Here is another piece that I'm doing to practice the techniques I'm learning from the mixed media class by Suzi Blu I keep mentioning.  In honor of the upcoming celebration of Day of the Dead, I put in a few little skullies.  It started out as this (wood burned sketch on birch with some pencil shading): and has evolved to this...
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Thursday, September 18, 2008

"This is ME expressing MYself!"

I went to my hubby's office yesterday to hang his newly commissioned walking eye! painting (along with a Skelekitty quilt that he has on loan until October).I have to tell you just how fun it was to walk past all the security cameras into a Fortune 500 company with my pink hair, covered in paint, wearing my overalls and carrying more weird...
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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

This time last year (#2)

I've actually been blogging since late 2006 (postings on blogspot only go back to this March), so every now and then, I'll copy and paste an old blog entry. This one is from September of last year (the 14th to be exact). September 14, 2007Yes, yes, yes. I asked for it by using “krissi sandvik fiber arts” as my shop title, but honestly,...
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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Skelekitty goodies ARE available on the web!

Skelly wanted me to remind y'all about some of the swag & merch out there with her cute little face on it: First, in my Etsy shop, lots of handmade goodness: Etsy: Your place to buy & sell all things handmade And also on Zazzle, coffee mugs, mousepads and more coming soon! create & buy custom products at Zazzle And on a non-skelekitty bit of news, look for a blog on Scary CRAFT tomorrow about...
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"Walking EYE!"

" Walking EYE, Hank! They're all the same." Originally uploaded by krissi's stitchery & mexiphemeraOctober is coming up quickly and, thought I've enjoyed drawing the pretty girls in the Mixed-Media with Suzi Blu "Les Petites Dolls" online class lately, I wanted to take those techniques and do something just a little more "me." On Friday...
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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Owowowowowowow OW!

Pencils are pretty, but tough on the ol' paws!...
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I never know where these things are going....

While I'm happy with the way that my last project on canvasboard -eww- turned out in the end, it is nowhere near what I was going for (I mean, 'that for which I was going'...?). Anyway, here's the progression:BTW, today is my 10th as-a-couple anniversary with Ron. Our 5th wedding anniversary is one month from today.Oh, and here's the newest...
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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Free Cupcake-o-Guadalupe pattern on PimpStitch!

At long last (well, a week, but it feels longer the way I blog), I can unveil the FREE embroidery pattern I designed for PimpStitch!  The lucky recipient of the original in the photo is Artsy Gringa, Michele ('cause she was my partner in the "...of Guadalupe" swap on swap-bot). For those of you who haven't yet discovered PimpStitch,...
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Monday, September 8, 2008

Mouse with her "Mommy Kitty" pillow

Mouse with her "Mommy Kitty" pillow Originally uploaded by krissi's stitchery & mexiphemeraToo cute NOT to blog!  Our kitty, Mouse, was hand-raised by a person and her doggie, and has recently (at almost 5 years old) adopted this pillow as her mommy - she kneads it and purrs like crazy, then falls asleep hugging ...
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Two new items on Etsy!

Both available at Krissi's Stitchery on Etsy for only $65 each, but make me an offer for both pieces and we'll talk. (Sorry, these pieces are not available for trading.) First, a naughty phrase to make you laugh: "Star F**ker"  11x16" mixed media on canvas text Unfortunately, most of us know at least one of these.  Text (color...
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Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Problem with Swap-Bot

. . . is that I never want to give away what I make. Of course, if not for the swaps, I'd never even bother to make this stuff in the first place.I got SOOOOO behind when I was sick for the month of July, and my gym schedule, administering Scary CRAFT and being in Suzi Blu's mixed-media class ain't helping with the ol' time management. ...
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Saturday, September 6, 2008

First Assignment Finished

Here's the finished product!  Thanks to Suzi Blu for getting me to do this, and to finish it before I went on to the next project...
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Friday, September 5, 2008

"Simple Shrine Tutorial" by Artsy Gringa!

Michele, a fellow crafty gringa, just started her super-awesome blog-o-tutorials this (well last) month. She may be new to blogging, but she's a pro at the mixed-media folk arts! Be sure to check out her "Simple Shrine Frame Tutorial" in plenty of time for you to take advantage of the techniques before Dia de los Muertos! She shows you...
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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Ladies, you REALLY need to get one of these!

Questions, questions, all the time I get questions! Here's one I hear a lot, "where do you get all of your ideas for Skelekitty?" Most of the time, I get 'em from this guy here: This is my hubby, for those of you who haven't yet met him. We met over 20 years ago in college (January 1986) and, after he teased me relentlessly for a...
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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

As with everything, this too, is a process

Not to long ago I told you about my fear of drawing (inability to) and that Yoli talked me into taking an online class, "Les Petites Dolls" by Suzi Blu, featuring her amazing mixed-media techniques for drawing, collaging, layering, texturing & encaustic (beeswax) work. By the end of week 2, Belén, Kathy and Cyndi had succummed - and,...
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