Maybe you heard about the Ellen Glitter-Ban Drama and resulting peaceful rally coming up on April 8th in Burbank? If you haven't, where have you been? Don't answer that, just go to the press release or read all of the controversial posts from the always amusing Kathy Cano-Murillo, the Crafty Chica herself.This week, Kathy gave this fun glitter...
Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Queer Loteria
I was totally unable to come up with a title that was funnier than the truth.There’s this....and many more. Clicky on El Sirenito (you know he wants it) for the entire seri...
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Stuff like this SO makes up for the cranky-butts!
So as more than a few of you know, I’m under doc’s orders to keep the stress out of my life since it goes right to the ol’ tum tum. I have awesome friends, so that makes it easy, but when you administer TWO art collectives, things can get hairy (and fangy) at times. Anyway, I opened up my MySpace mail yesterday and found this e-mail that got me a little misty and a LOT happy. (I’ve removed her name to maintain her privacy, but...
Thursday, March 27, 2008
My take on the jewelry organizer/mirror thingie ... thus far
Here's what I've been up to:One of these mirrors will be getting the jewelry organizer treatment that I blogged about recently.The other will need to find itself another home, probably on Etsy.I just haven't decided which mirror will suffer which fa...
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
What you’ve heard is true. The Scary-Art Shadow is creeping across the earth....From the Scary-Art Collective blog"Scary-Art" was a term coined in early 2006 by friend, art-lover and gym owner, Chip Conrad, to describe the paintings of Nicolas Caesar. Not entirely unlike Mary Shelly’s creature, Scary-Art has taken on a life of its own since that moment several moons ago. Yes, it still describes Caesar’s art, but it also describes...
Two Cool Artists (and their goodies are MINE)
I indulged in the past week, but just a little bit, to celebrate selling a painting, several prints and an original quilt!
This is my new Grey Gargoyle by Nicolas Caesar. Isn’t he cute??? I haven’t even found a place for the last painting I received from Nik (Silly Rabbit, Rabies are for Kids!), and now I need to make room for baby! ...
Monday, March 24, 2008
UPDATE/CLARIFICATION - Ellen should be happy - loose glitter no more!
I called my pal Yoli (of Sacred Snatch Designs infamy) this weekend with a glitter and sealant issue I needed help with. I'm your go-to if you have a sewing, pressing or fabric-related Q, but Yoli is THE source of info on all kinds of crafty miscellany.Admittedly, this was an "off label" use, as they say in the pharmaceutical industry......
Sunday, March 23, 2008
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly (Studio, Part 2)
The Good.So far, I've been able to organize MOST of my half-yard and under cotton "blender" fabrics by color:AND I've gotten my large-but-light supplies all packaged up and away, but easily accessible:The Bad.Yeah. Need to fold and organize this better:I got started here,but I'm a little overwhelmed by:The Ugly.Three of the five bins of...
Saturday, March 22, 2008
New & Bigger Studio / Work Space for 2008
Following in the footsteps of wonderful friends and fellow craftistas, Kathy Cano-Murillo (Crafty Chica) and Yoli Manzo (Sacred Snatch), I open my workspace (the part that isn't scattered throughout the house) to you - in all of its imperfect glory.========================When Ron and I purchased our home in 2000, we never thought we'd outgrow...
Friday, March 21, 2008
The Great Glue Debacle of 2008
I was surprised the other night when I perused my glue shelf (oh, shut up) and realized a key ingredient was missing. I had industrial glue, wood glue, fabric glue, stretch fabric glue, gem glue, mod podge, glitter glue, krazy glue, hot glue and even solder ... but no white glue. Hell, I didn’t even have a glue stick that wasn’t so old and dried out that it didn’t look like a vanilla bean!The subject came up again...
Thursday, March 20, 2008
non sequitur (NOT for the squeamish!)
I’ve told folks we have a snake. His name is Elvis and he’s a "lavender phase" California King.When he was 11, his owner died in a car accident and he started bouncing from home to home. Being the suckers that we are, and because I love all critters whether they have two legs, four legs or no legs, we took him in.He's a snake, so he eats...
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Skelekitty & Friends at Side Show Studios in Sacramento
My greeting cards are now carried exclusively at Side Show Studios in Sacramento! To celebrate, I’ve also dropped the price from $5 down to just $4 each!Each card is blank inside and since I believe in practicing safe stationery, it has its own little card condom (individually sealed in a cellophane envelope).Designs available:and the newest...
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Color Choices
My new favorite quote,"Mexicans LOVE loud colors. In fact, the United States government recently came out with a study that proves that the colors that Mexicans use to paint their houses is the second leading cause of cataracts in the United States." If you don’t already read "Ask a Mexican," you’re SO missing out! This guy is intelligent and irreverent - my favorite combinati...
Monday, March 17, 2008
FOUND! (Why you self-centered, egotistical, attention mongering...)
FOUND IT! In the current issue of Midtown Monthly, there’s a photo of Mary Westmark with my stuff in the background. A few pages later, there’s something about Scary-Art Collective pal and super-awesome chica, Char Hall too! Char’s getting me a copy or 2. (Evie, we have an issue dogeared for you and the SAC press file!) Thanks to everyone who responded!p.s. Don’t miss the article on Skinner’s art!=================================original...
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Krissi's Faves #1: Fabrics / Why I Shop First
Because 2% of every sale goes to charity. No joke. So far they’ve raised over $525,000!!! That’s not the only reason though. They are family owned and, as a matter of fact, Luana Rubin, who co-started eQuilter with her hubby Paul, designed both the fabrics and the quilt pattern of my most coveted bed quilt (NO it’s STILL not for sale!) The kit she sent was awesome and the instructions impeccable.eQuilter’s customer service...
Skelekitty in the morning, Skelekitty in the evening...
Fun stuff for you - a project inspired by Ann and Alisa (who brought their own coffee and a french press on the Crafty Chica Cruise). ..The "Welcome Home" mug (green) has the text, "GOOD MORNING!" on the reverse.The "Goin’ Batty" mug has the text, "I go BATTY without coffee!"The "Play Time!" mug has the text, "Just let Mommy get her coffee first..."JUST ADDED! "Always Time for Love" has "I LOVE YOU (after I’ve had my coffee)"...
Friday, March 14, 2008
Oh, I am SO making this!
I have jewelery boxes, but my most-worn pieces never seem to make it back there, so I’m going to make one of these necklace organizers TODAY (in between sneezes)! To be decorated and otherwise Krissi-fied, of course:
Clicky on the picky to check out more from Craft Magazine, or just go to the tutorial from Daisy Janie!
On a similar...
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Crafty Chica Cruise - Swag & Shopping edition
Hey! So this cold of mine has gotten worse before it decided to get better, & my blogging is behind schedule. To tide everyone over until the Day 2 of the cruise recap, here's a sneak peek at what goodies I came home with!I understand my purse was about $5 more than some girls paid, but MINE has a BAT on it!I didn't even know that was...
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Pillowcase Tutorial (my first one!)
As promised, I am publishing my first blog tutorial. When I finally stop blogging long enough to update my website, I'll have a page that lists each tutorial by categories (to be determined) and that link back to my blogspot (official) blog.This first tutorial assumes a basic level of sewing knowledge and ability to use a rotary cutter....
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