Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Happy Solstice and Festive Yule to you!

Happy Solstice and Festive Yule to you!, originally uploaded by Skelekitty (Krissi Sandvik).What I'm working on:Via Flickr:Large Tree of Life painting in the works: just pencil on wood for now - not even sure if this is going to be the final image - I might tweak it some mo...
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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Marketing Tidbit: Give Presents Just Because

Every now and then I like to make special items available for free.  From a marketing standpoint, it's good publicity.  From a human standpoint, it's just good. So for the 2011 holiday season, I'm bringing back the FREE non-denominational Skelekitty gift tags/stickers! Just click on the image you would like (yep,...
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Monday, December 12, 2011

Marketing Tidbit: That's Not My Name

This was posted in a private group today by one of my colleagues who is also a seller of handmade goods: Am I wrong for being offended that a seller sent me an email starting with "Dear Customer?" A "Hey there" and no name would be OK, or look at my paypal and use my name. But don't use "customer" as my name. Short answer, NO.  You...
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Friday, December 9, 2011

The Glitter Bitches didn't disband...

The Glitter-Bitches didn't disband. But we did RE-BRAND!   After months of discussion, bandying about of names and then logo ideas, the group known as Glitter-Bitches Handmade is no longer.  LONG LIVE CORPORATE REJECTS! Come visit ALL of us at our new blog and facebook page. While you're there, congratulate...
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Thursday, December 8, 2011

A Not-Really-A-Tutorial (Glass & Resin Jewelry)

"Inchie" pendant (1" square) People ask me what procedure and techniques I use to make my glass tile and resin jewelry all the time.  The reason I haven't done a tutorial isn't that I am playing my pendants close to my chest, as it were.  It's just a super, duper involved process and I've never stopped to photograph each...
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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Spammy McSneakerton!

These are the kinds of things that crack me up.  I received a comment today on one of my most popular blog posts, You Stole My Idea! ... Or Did You?  (aka Copyright 101).   At first glance, it seemed nice. Good post! I was actually doing research online on Intellectual Property Law when I came across your very informative...
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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Yesterday's Progress - photo blog (is that, like, a "flog?")

Well, first: This doesn't look like the results of an entire afternoon of printing,  sealing and trimming, but it is.  Next step, what I do best: "gluing shit to other shit." OK.  Now I have glass tiles with little pictures glued to them. Here's what they look like dry - these still need the backs glued onand...
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Monday, December 5, 2011

Shipping and Order Status Information

"I'm too pretty to work." ~Skelekitty Hi everyone!  Things are much busier than usual here in my studio, but as usual, Skelekitty is being a lazy bum, moving from sun spot to sun spot without lifting one bony paw to help!  Darned cat.  I've been so overwhelmed with orders for the Help Hank fund that I'm running...
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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Operation Help Hank (he has his own page now)

It was getting confusing with the health updates and the how-to-help posts in so many different places, so I've attempted to gather information an links (including links to all of Allyson's posts on Hank's health) in one spot.  Please join us over on Hank's page.  And if you like, leave a comment (Al reads all of them to Hank when she visits). Lots of love, Kri...
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