Friday, May 21, 2010

First Public Art Project

One of my business goals for the year was to find and push the limits of my comfort zone.  Now it may not seem scary to you, but I was in a perpetual state of terror last year when I was talked into drawing Skelekitty live and in public for last year's "Chalk It Up to Sacramento" festival.  While there were a few snotty comments...
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Thursday, May 20, 2010

What made you try pyrography?

I've been fascinated with pyrography (literally, burn drawing – in my case on wood) for a while as a decorative craft, probably because my father was a woodworker when he wasn't practicing law. However, I didn't pick up an actual wood burner until 2006, when I took a mixed media class. Although wood burning was not the central theme of the course, it was something that I enjoyed and therefore continued to practice until it...
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