Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Lots of Changes Coming

...including a NEWSLETTER! So let's start there.  Sign up for the Krissi's Art Studio/Skelekitty & Friends newsletter and you won't miss out on any sales, giveaways, events or announcements. What kind of announcements, you ask?  Well, for example As I mentioned in a recent post, my online shop will be making...
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Sunday, October 28, 2012

First Solo Show: Día de los Muertos at Little Relics

Spirits' Journey & Soul Searching 16x12" mixed media on canvas panels Howdy everyone! I realize I've been noticeably missing in action here on 'teh interwebz' for the last few months as I prepared for my very first solo show.  My nose-to-the-grindstone attitude has definitely paid off, as I was able to build a collection...
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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Falling In And Out of Love: ArtFire

Sometimes companies disappoint me or offer products I don't care for.  No big deal, right?  I just don't purchase from them or, if a friend asks, I'll give them my honest opinion about the company/product and let them make their own decision.  I'm not one of those people who feels the need to blog negatively about companies...
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