Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Marketing Tidbit: Make 'Em Put A Ring On It

Winter art and craft festival time is FAST approaching, so this little tip is for those of you gearing up for the crazy weekends to come. You've probably been there - you're at a festival or art/craft fair and a customer asks you to hold an item, ostensibly to find their husband/wife/holder of money.  You want to make the sale,...
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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Marketing Tidbit: BE THE PARTY, Don't Just Wait For An Invitation

It's pretty well universally understood that sitting at home waiting for the phone to ring isn't going to get you any dates, and that if you want a social life, you need to go make one.  You know, meet people, talk, invite people over, stuff like that.  Likewise, if you don't send out invitations, it's a good bet nobody is going...
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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Marketing Tidbit: Play A Little

Have some fun with your customers - invite them over to play once in a while.  Laugh a little.  There doesn't need to be a payoff, a prize or a giveaway for them every time they come to visit.  Sometimes, it's enough just to hang out with you and goof off for a while. Halloween-themed free downloadable coloring page from...
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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Marketing Tidbit: "Senno Ecto Gammat!"

NOTE: Because today's "tidbit" is so long, I'll be back on Monday with the next installment.  See you then! Senno Ecto Gammat ("Never again, without my permission") Don't "advertise" on your competitors' pages.  Not ever.  It's one of the fastest ways to get your page banned from posting again and will get you a nasty...
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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Marketing Tidbit: Got a Schedule? Stick With It!

This is a quickie blogging tip for you guys today, since I'm busy actually following my own advice... If you say you are going to post (photos, examples, tutorials, marketing tidbits, whatever) in a certain place at a certain time, be sure not to change up your schedule whenever you feel like it. If you cannot meet the requirements, you...
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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Five DIY Pricing Mistakes (repost from BlogHer)

Yours truly (that's me) has the featured blog spot over at BlogHer this week thanks to my very glittery and crafty colleague, Kathy "Crafty Chica" Cano-Murillo.  THANKS KATHY! Since I'm still working on a few new marketing tidbits for all of you, I thought today would be a good time to repost some mistakes we all make when pricing...
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Monday, September 12, 2011

Marketing Tidbit: Be Awesome (Part I)

I was chatting online yesterday with fellow artist (and one of the newest GB Handmade Corporate Rejects Affiliate Members), Scott Krichau, about a technical problem he'd managed to get customer service help on where I had failed. When I asked him just how he'd accomplished this amazing feat of persuasion, his answer was, "I made...
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Friday, September 9, 2011

Marketing Tidbit: Make The Connections for Them

This little piece of advice is probably the one I give out the most: MAKE IT PAINFULLY SIMPLE for potential clients to find you. How? Well, for expample: Add your business' facebook fan page to the employment section of your personal profile AND be sure to make it publicly viewable.  That way every time someone...
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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Marketing Tidbit: Give 'Em A Visual

So you know how important it is to show photos of each item you list in your shop, but that's not enough.  Be sure to also include example photos showing any options you offer like sizes, personalization, colors, chain, patinas, etc. View Ant Farm Studio's new KID KRITTERS shop section for some cute child (and adult) friendly...
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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Marketing Tidbit: Sales Etiquette #2 (Save the Sob Story For Someone Who Cares)

This drawing is very cute,  but actually begging for sales, not so much. drawing by Lanika on DeviantArt More from the Miss Krissi's Manners For Small Business Owners Guide on running sales.  Do NOT beg.   Charity drives aside, people don't want to hear about your financial difficulties.  If you can't pay...
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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Still in progress, but going in the right direction.

Still in progress, but going in the right direction., originally uploaded by Skelekitty (Krissi Sandvik).I've been fighting with this pic over the last few days....
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Marketing Tidbit O' The Day: Customer Followup

OK, today's tidbit isn't really marketing, but customer service. Some of your customers may be shy about approaching you to say they have a problem. While I see my business as a business no matter who I sell to, I know some clients see me as a "friend" who they don't want to upset. Make it easy on them. Open up dialogues with them after transactions...
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Monday, September 5, 2011

Marketing Tidbit O' The Day: Sales Etiquette #1

Yes, there is a Miss Manners guide to holding sales.  You didn't know that?  Uh oh.  We'd better get started, then.  Miss Krissi's Manners For Small Business Owners says: Don't piss off your customers by making each sale better than the one you just held. If you offer "30% off everything" one week, don't come back...
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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Marketing Tidbit O' The Day: Pull 'Em In!

When you post links to blogs, fan pages, shop items, etc., on a social networking site, say something interesting to draw people in!  Let's face it, only the most avid fanboys/fangirls are going to click through on everything you post just because you posted it. A simple "check this out" won't make 99% of people click on a link....
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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Marketing Tidbit O' The Day: Facebook Fan Pages

Welcome to the first edition of Krissi's Art Studio Marketing Tips! A few weeks back, Wenchkin started a great conversation in the Glitter Bitches Handmade members group about marketing dos and don'ts. Since then, I've been thinking about ways all of us could improve our shops and online presences.  Several times a week, I'll be posting...
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