Friday, July 22, 2011

Stuff (Without Which I Would Surely Perish) #2 - Sealant for Resin

Wow.  It's been a LOOOONG time since the first installment of Stuff (Without Which I Would Surely Perish) - over two years, as a matter of fact! The Project:   In the last year and some months, I've started creating jewelry with the images from my paintings.  Like prints, jewelry is a way for my clients and fans...
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Little Things Make Life Worth Living

Cosmos from Kim, originally uploaded by Skelekitty (Krissi Sandvik). seed packets in the mail from a good friend. Every time I walk out my front door and see the Cosmos Kim (of Loco Folko and Ant Farm Studio fame) sent me in March, it puts a smile on my face. You don't have to do anything huge to let people know they matter to...
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Sunday, July 17, 2011