Saturday, January 29, 2011

Painting Again

Mexican folk and American pop art are not the only major aesthetic influences in my art.  I am also drawn to the natural lines and subjects of the Arts & Crafts movement of turn of the 19th Century (as well as to the writings and arts of the fin-de-siècle).  For the last year I've been meaning to do some paintings inspired by this era - mostly florals - but in my own style.  I finally started! Anyway, it's...
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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Rest In Peace, Lonely Tree

In 2008, I blogged briefly about a leg of one of our road trips across the Western US and included a bit on "The Shoe Tree" in Middlegate, Nevada. Us, on our second visit to the Middlegate Shoe Tree, in May 2008 Ron and I discovered this roadside oddity on October 10, 2004, the day before our first wedding anniversary.  We love the...
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