Saturday, July 17, 2010

Revel in your Geekocity!

I understand there is now an "Embrace your Inner Geek" day (July 13th). OK.  Fair enough.... But in all honesty, I'm not sure I HAVE an inner geek - I think everything geeky and dorky is pretty much out there for all to see.  I mean, I open my mouth and I'm sure people mentally label me DORK! within the first 2.25 minutes. ...
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Friday, July 16, 2010

Show N Tell / Stuff N Things (SNT2) #1

Hi all! As you must certainly know by now, I love "stuff,"   My newest acquisition was given as a birthday present by my LSH (Long Suffering Husband) - a laptop equipped with a webcam!  That means I can start sharing my STUFF collection with all of you!  Hoorah!  Here is my first Show N Tell of Stuff N Things (SNT²). Curtain please... LINKS!  LINKS!  LINKS! Website/shop (facebook fan page)...
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Monday, July 5, 2010

FAQs Answered: How do you make your prints?

I get this question all the time (*cough* 50% of the time it's from people who don't want to do their own research *cough*).   I photograph, crop, color correct, digitally manipulate (if necessary to reposition aspects to fit in 8x10 aspect ratio) and print all of my pieces myself. Camera: I have a Nikon D40X camera and use a tripod and a Tamron 18-270 lens with vibration control. Software/hardware: I use a variety...
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