Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sweet Relief!

That phrase, sweet relief, has a double meaning for me today. Firstly, my California sales tax return is completed, filed and paid!  Woo Hoo!  (I'm riding a high, so we won't mention the income tax return preparation yet.)  As my eyes swept over ALL of last year's activity on a single page, I realized that my art sales finally...
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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Letter From The Crazy Dog Park Lady

SENT VIA E-MAIL Robert Goss Parks & Recreation Director City of Folsom 50 Natoma Street Folsom, CA 95630 Dear Mr. Goss, I am writing to let you know of my extreme disappointment as a Folsom resident, home owner and dog owner regarding the way that the City of Folsom has managed FIDO Field. I've had a growing dissatisfaction for some time, but was finally motivated to notify the Department and City today. This afternoon,...
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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Heights to Which My Geekdom Aspires

A while ago I blogged about a series I was working on which was inspired (read as "ripped") from the 2007 Doctor Who episode, Blink.  Now despite the fact that this is one of the 'Doctor Lite' episodes, it is also one of my very favorite.  Those damned weeping angel statue creature thingies are just so scary!  Lonely Assassins...
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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Previous Accomplishments, Future Goals

Thanks to the wonderful and inspirational San Smith and her posts on creating visual lists, I got the idea to do a year in review of 2009 and goals for the coming year.   Here's what I came up with - what do you think? ACCOMPLISHMENTS broadened network and skelekitty fan-base (up and running)! improved art techniques...
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Two Finished Pieces and One in the Works

Here is a picture of the painting I created in almost record time (less than a week) for Allyson Seconds' birthday this -OK, technically last- year. Allyson is a singer/musician and loves bats, hearts and milagros.  She is also my personal trainer, but aside from the heart itself, that imagery will be saved for another painting. "A...
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Saturday, January 2, 2010

Prices Reduced on Select Paintings

The buy-one art print, get-one free 2009 winter holiday promotion was a great success.  The point of the sale was not so much for me to sell, but to allow fans the ability to collect some prints at an affordable price, and about 20 prints went out the door between mid-November and New Year's Eve.  Thank you so much to everyone who...
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