Saturday, November 21, 2009

Art Journal (?) Page

Art Journal page - 10-2009 Originally uploaded by Skelekitty (Krissi Sandvik) Here's a finished drawing from my sketchbook. I hesitate to call it actual art journaling since what I do seems pretty far from how people define it these days. This page, like the others in my Moleskine artist journal, has no implied "message."  Mostly...
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Monday, November 16, 2009

One Whole Year

One year ago today, Ron and I were found by a cute little Jack Russell Terrier while hiking in one of California's many state parks.  We were smitten by the time we got to the end of the trail even though she was skinny, covered in ticks and smelled horrible.  You could tell she knew she'd hit the jackpot when we invited her to...
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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Heart Song (donation)

Heart Song (donation) Originally uploaded by Skelekitty (Krissi Sandvik) This piece was finished in a record three days (that's like a land speed record using my usual painting techniques), but it was totally worth it!  "Heart Song" has been created for Vox Gallery's November 2009 (Sacramento, CA) "Urban Landscapes" show to benefit...
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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New Blog Look & Other Changes

Today has been a bit of a whirlwind in the office, as opposed to the flurry of activity which usually takes place in my studio.  Earlier today on my facebook and Flickr pages, I asked folks which version of my new business cards they preferred and BOY did the opinions fly!  You know what's funny? The only difference between the...
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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Best Compliment EVER

Although I show and spend a lot of time in midtown Sacramento, I actually live in an 8 home cul-de-sac in a mid-sized suburb about 30 miles east. Before you ask WTF I was thinking, we moved here for the open prairies and undeveloped space before they "improved" it all. As you might guess, since I don't -as my husband puts it- "wear the...
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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Crafty Chica's Tips for Handmade Vendors

It's that gift-giving time of year again! The handmade movement and the downturn in the economy have paired up and attracted more and more holiday shoppers to craft fairs. People are looking for special gifts for their loved ones rather than just spending a large dollar amount. For those of you who sell your handmade lovelies at this or...
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