Tuesday, April 28, 2009

CONTEST: How do you "break the rules?"

I was inspired by two related posts by fellow craftistas.  The first was by Jenny Hart of Sublime Stitching showing us her embroidery "backside" with all the lumps and bumps that were unfit for normal viewing.  The second was by Rachel, AKA "Average Jane Crafter" talking about how she felt empowered to knot on the back of her work...
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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Recycled Mailer (padded envelope) Tutorial & Day 12 of DVM!

Hi all! About a year or more ago, I recycled one of those padded mailers for a swap I was participating in and, of course, photographed it:I get a lot of hits on this particular photo and receive e-mails every now and then asking how I did it. I figured, it being "Earth Week" and all, this would be a great time to tell everyone (plus, I...
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Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Creativity Continues - Days 10 & 11

We all need a creative space. You know, a little spot in which to glue stuff to other stuff. I've realized that no matter how much space I'm given, my creative essentials (the aforementioned "stuff") fills it and overflows into the rest of the house. I am beginning to suspect that art and craft supplies are, in fact, gaseous substances...
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Friday, April 24, 2009

Women Uncovered!

May-2009-flyerOriginally uploaded by sideshowstudiosCall for new and emerging female artists. Come on, let somebody ELSE see your a...
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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Days 8 and 9 of the DaVinci Challenge

I'm still going strong with Stacy McQueen's challenge to stay in "DaVinci Mode" for 30 days, but I took it down a notch over the last two days to regroup and plan some new stuff.Yesterday evening, I spent some time sketching out three ideas for new Skelekitty paintings to be shown at Side Show Studios and Body Tribein May and June, respectively....
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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Loteria Pendants and Blank Canvases (2)

The day before yesterday was day 6 of the DaVinci Challenge and I took day 5's project, added a couple layers of a glossy dimensional sealer and turned those babies into pendants. Each one is signed and comes with an 18" ball chain.  Because these are prototypes of sorts, I'm selling 'em cheap - $15 each or 2 for $25 and I'll cover...
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Monday, April 20, 2009

DVM Day 5 - Loteria Tiles

Inspired by Kathy Murillo's "Taste of Talavera" jewelry tutorial, I created these jewelry tiles using my own paintings which I then turned into Lotería cards.Using 1" x 1¼" wooden craft tiles as a base, I resized my Lotería cards on my computer and printed them out just a teensy bit larger than the tiles (1.3" wide so the entire surface would...
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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Tutorial: Matchbox Artists' Lofts

I am STILL in DaVinci Mode! Update for yesterday (4/17 - day 3): I planned a garage sale with my hubby! Woo hoo! Today (day 4), I am creating a tutorial for you wonderful folks. Many moons ago (just over a year, I think), the mixed-media group to which I belong posed a challenge for us to create our fantasy "neighborhood." While a lot...
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Friday, April 17, 2009

DaVinci Mode Challenge - Day 2 (4/16/09)

As I mentioned in yesterday's post, I'm participating in a 30-day creative challenge posed by Stacy "The Craft Whore" McQueen to her facebook friends. It's not a contest, so nobody "wins" anything, except 30 completed creative acts. For day two, Stacy posed the possibility of finishing something you'd started some time back. Yeah, I have...
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Thursday, April 16, 2009

In "DaVinci Mode"

As an experiment of sorts, the FABULOUS Stacy "The Craft Whore" McQueen posed to her facebook friends the "DaVinci Mode Challenge." Going into DaVinci mode means that anyone participating in the facebook group MUST commit to 30 contiguous days of creativity in any form we wish.I'll do my best to post here on a daily basis!Day 1 (4/15/09):For...
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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

That $%*& Just Isn't For Drinking Straight Outta The Jar....

This crafty blog was inspired by a tweet by my pal Crystal Case, well known around town as Xtal Secretin, the blogmistress of the Secretin Life Line - The Secretions' blog of fandom, punk rock, local shows & more, and now the soon-to-be "Mrs. Rat."  To me, she's just "Crystal," a sarcastic, creative, dog-loving geek who keeps me...
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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Skelekitty News (SCCL and Kitty-tweets)

I'm very excited to let all of you know that the lovely and talented (and I'm not kidding about either) Cyndi Garcia recently contacted me about carrying my Skelekitty rubber stamps in the Santa Clarita Craft Lab's new Market Place. I'm simultaneously humbled and thrilled. All the details, including a gushing review of the Santa Clarita Craft Lab, are on Skelekitty's blog.While we're talking about the Kitty, did you know that...
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Thursday, April 2, 2009

She Rocks

Yeah, I know I go on and on about how awesome my personal trainer Allyson is and, well, I'm about to do it some more. Check out the video from Chip's blog of Al's workout. Of course the video wouldn't be complete without a special appearance by Lulu whom I know you remember from the recent skeledog painting (which still hangs at Body Tribe): Oh...
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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Crafty Chica Cruise 2009 Recap

I can't believe it's been over two whole weeks! Geez. SUNDAY: Well, three Sunday mornings ago, I got up bright and early and hopped a plane from FREEZING AND WINDY Sacramento down to sunny and dry, albeit breezy, San Diego. Got my luggage right away and strolled right up to a waiting taxi who dropped me at the docks and the awaiting Carnival...
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