Thursday, January 29, 2009

More progress on "Skele-Lulu"

More progress on "Skele-Lulu"Originally uploaded by Krissi & SkelekittyThe first skele-dog, a portrait of Allyson's lab/border collie mix, Lulu, is almost completed. A little more layering and I'll be finished!To learn more about the images I chose to incorporate, clicky on the pic and read the notes on Flic...
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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Dog Update: the honeymoon period is O-V-E-R!

I understand that when you adopt an animal, especially one with a "past," there is a period of relative calm behavior while the critter figures out where it belongs in your particular pecking order. I never experienced this with our kitties because they all came into the home as kittens and had their own particular baby survival behaviors. ...
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Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Way Back Machine

A friend of mine from high school (Sandy) just e-mailed me photos of our group Halloween costumes from 19...82 (I think it was 82...). 5 bonus points for those of you who already know the "theme" without peeking at Flickr; 10 more if you're under 25 and know it off the top of your head. We had one more 'dandy highwayman' but he wasn't...
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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Krissi as...

Today I played the role of the clumsy fat girl I always saw myself as in high school.  Feelin' crampy and icky, I fell off an exercise ball at the gym and banged my knee on the ground.  After icing it for 15 minutes, I went to the river with Allyson, Lulu and Abby just to end up slipping in the mud and landing on my ass.  Dainty...
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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Remember me?

Thanks to everyone for your concerned notes and teasing comments/posts questioning my absence. In all honesty, I do tend to disappear most years somewhere after Day of the Dead until January or February. This year, it's early January. Abby is doing very well and is fitting in (mostly) with our furry family. She's mellow for a JRT (jack russell terrier), but just as stubborn as promised. Training is coming along well though,...
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