Thursday, May 29, 2008

UPDATED: It's a matter of opinion (new photos)

My hubby doesn't care for my newest creation - says it's too much 'in your face.' A few of my girl-type-friends LOVE it for the same reasons I do - it's funny and it's oddly empowering. And, yes, it's what you think it is. I'm in a group of female artists & crafters on Swap-Bot ( who openly talk about anything...
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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Night of the Crafters is back!

It's that time again already! It's fourth Tuesday and that means it's time for Night of the Crafters in Sacramento.This month, we'll be:looking at the creations resulting from the "monster" craft challenge from Aprilannouncing the craft challenge themes for June, July & Augustannouncing the hands-on technique/tutorial for JuneCRAFTING...
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Friday, May 23, 2008

Crafters & Artists - look professional AND be green!

Hey all!For those of you who use clear cellophane sleeves and bags for a professional finish to your ATCs (altered trading cards), prints, greeting cards and other original crafts, I have great news for you!ClearBags, the company from which I purchase my packaging, recently introduced biodegradable bags™. Because these new bags are made...
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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Kathy (Craft Chica) Murillo gets cuter every single day....

I love Kathy and you should too (even if you don't like glitte...
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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Lehman Caves & Baker, Nevada's weird and wonderful art!

A trip across Highway 50 and the Great Basin just wouldn't be complete for Ron or me without a stop at Great Basin National Park and a tour of Lehman Caves. Our first tour, on our first wedding anniversary (10/11/04) was a bit of a personal challenge for me - I wanted to see if I could get over some mild claustrophobia (p.s. It worked. I...
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To tide you over until I actually post again....

Hi all! Well, I am officially home from my 2+ week vacation and I have TONS of photos and lots of blogging yet to do. I lost a huge chunk of a blog yesterday and am not even sure when blogspot SAVED over the full version with the truncated version! However, as I seem to do most of the time, I brought some germiness home with me and am not quite up to snuff, as they say (but there is lots of sniffling).In the meantime, here...
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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Venus Zine Interviews Me!!

I was fortunate to be chosen by Jihanah Rasul at Venus Zine as one of their Readers of the Week.Read the interview here (look for mention of Scary-Art and Mr. Caesar). While you're there, check out the rest of the magazine!XOXOKri...
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Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Trip Thus Far (Part 1 - Day 1, Folsom to Ely)...

Ron and I set out last Saturday morning at an ungodly hour on our "southwest tour." As we approached the first stop sign near our house, the "check engine" light went on in our beloved '07 Escape Hybrid. Of course, we HAD taken the car in for a service before the trip -- we even did it a WEEK prior so that if anything went wrong ... you...
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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Woo Hoo! Now I can do something with those T-Shirts!

I'm excited that my pal Sam Marie Grove has agreed to grace the Scary-Art CRAFT crowd at our next craft night, Night of the Crafters, and show us how to do a little wardrobe refashioning!Watch Sam use her scissors and a little magic to turn T-shirts like this:into T-shirts like this!HUBBA HUBBA!Check out the Scary CRAFT blog for more info...
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lolcats earns its name today

I actually DID laugh out loud at this onesee more crazy cat p...
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