Progress on Heart N Bones dog sweaterOriginally uploaded by Krissi & SkelekittyThe progress on the Heart N Bones doggie sweater as of the 12th. The sweater is finished and ready for Abby to model.Photos of the finished project (along with my "jury duty" saga) coming soon along with my "jury duty" sa...
Friday, December 19, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Original Heart -N- Bones Knitting Pattern (freebie!)
As promised in yesterday's post, here is the newly created (by yours truly) Heart 'N' Bones design for Abby's next sweater. Feel free to share it, use it and/or change it up a little to suit your needs, but please don't make money off of it (I shared it for free after all) and if you publish it, just link back to me.
Just to refresh...
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Local Discovery, Tutorial and Feeling "A Little Queer" Tomorrow
I'm sad to say that this Saturday another small local business, Grind & Groove, closed its doors permanently. Thank you to everyone who patronized this awesome store and purchased art and ... ummm... y'know (toys). Anna and Jen are awesome chicks and I hope that we'll see more of them in midtown, once the economy gets back on its feet....
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Collaboration, Dog Update, SNAFU and Laughing At Life (again)
Much is going on in the world-o-Krissi.
I blogged a while back about an oracle card mixed media piece I did as part of an art challenge. What I didn't tell you could fill another post ... and does as you will see ... ummm, well ... now.
A friend and fellow Sacramento artist, Kathy Blackburn and her musician hubby Byron, had...
Monday, December 1, 2008
Jerk - A - Rang
Another truism from the twisted mind of Nik:
p.s. If you are on my "friends" list or if I've spoken to you in the last 6 months, don't get all paranoid on me - this isn't about y...
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Skelekitty Rubber Stamps and New Print available on Etsy
My initial order of Skelekitty rubber stamps arrived from Santa Fe today and are available for purchase on my Etsy site at $14.00 each or a set of all 4 for $50. If you don't have an Etsy account (it's free to join and shop, so you should!), just e-mail me letting me know which and how many stamps you would like to order and I'll send...
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Showing Thanks (with recipes!)
Regardless of your feelings about the founding and expansion of the US, current politics or religion, Thanksgiving gives us all, whether 'Americans' or not, a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the things in our lives for which we are thankful.
Me? I'm thankful for my good health (yes, even with the problems I have, they're not so...
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Custom Hot Pants (A Tutorial)
So yeah, Abby is in heat and has to wear "lady pants" for the next couple of weeks. Since I have my own disgust for non-biodegradable 'personal items' (diapers, sanitary pads, etc.), I got her washable doggie pants and inserted a washable pad (you can make them yourself out of flannel) inside them. The pants are very functional, but just...
The New Doggy Has Chosen Her Name!
Meet Miss Abby!We tried on several names with her, but this is the one that fit and was also the name that SHE seemed to like the best. She's also starting to respond to it!All three kitties are adjusting, but we have some scheduling issues to work out when taking the macaws out to the aviary... Not terribly surprising.And YES there will...
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
National Bird Day 2009 - Call for Artists and Call for Donations!
Hi everyone! There are two art related events going on for National Bird Day this year that I KNEW would be right up the alley of a few of you. In short, NBD is a day to reflect on the beauty of our native wild birds, but especially to think about how we treat birds in captivity (as a human companion to two "used" macaws, this is very close to my heart). If you are not in Sacramento for the...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
We Need This Like We Need A Hole In The Head
But she's just SO DARNED sweet!She found us Sunday while we were hiking in a state park in CaliFORnia's GOLD (LOL) country and followed us up and over the 2+ miles with a elevation gain of about 500 feet. She had no tags or collar, was hungry/thirsty/skunky and covered in fleas and ticks. We made a makeshift collar and leash out of a strap...
Dork Alert!
Sneaky sneak preview of the 2008 Christmas episode, "The Next Doctor." Now, of course, I wish we had BBC America more than ever! I'm not sure I can wait for the Sci Fi Channel to run new episodes sometime in the summer....
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Don't Say I Haven't Warned You
I mark a lot of my posts with the tag my sick sense of humor in order to forewarn my more 'normal' colleagues (hey, I have a few here and there). Now in all honesty, most of the time the tag could easily be replaced with one like funny or humor, but not in the case of the original post which gave rise to the overly-specific comedy tag, nor...
Friday, November 14, 2008
Art Journaling With A Sense of Humor
Another journal page in my 3 Week Challenge to "say yes to the possibility of success." This one explores the fear of not being considered a "real" artist because 1) I have no formal art training and/or 2) I'm not pissed off all of the time.
Along with the underlying fear, there is definitely a holier-than-thou attitude in this piece. ...
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The Winning Skelekitty Shirt Design Is...
Skelekitty with the heart!
The final artwork will be cleaned up a little more around the edges, but essentially, this is how the shirt will look (without the copyright notice, of course): white & red "ink" on black American Apparel shirts. We're planning on doing girlie shirts in sizes M (4-6) -XXL (14-16) and we'll probably do a couple...
Saying "YES"
One of the artists who participated in the last Suzi Blu mixed-media online workshop created her own Ning community called the 3-Week Challenge. In this challenge, people are asked to what they would say "yes." I've consiously made changes like this in my life before - "yes" to happiness over anger (I'd say I'm at about 95%) and "yes" to...
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
It's More of an "Explanation" Than an "Excuse"
I can never find ANYTHING. My studio this morning:Get more details by pointy-pointy and clicky-clicky on the photos.I'm afraid to go back down the...
Monday, November 10, 2008
That Darn Cat Is at it Again!

Swiped from The Kitty's blog today:
Howdy cats and kittens!
Well, never let it be said that this kitty lets the grass grow under her paws! The rubber stamps are still being poured, assembled and mailed out to folks and here I am looking at the reality of the very first SKELEKITTY TEE SHIRT, but I need your assistance in picking the...
Saturday, November 8, 2008
What A Week
Sorry it's been so long since the last blog. It's been a busy and productive week here at the Casa de Sandvik (we're internationally inclined). The big news was the super highest of highs of the presidential election, followed by the low of Prop 8 passing in a cloud of fear and hatred. However, since Obama won, I feel so proud of the American...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Night of the Creators & FREE Movie Pass Giveaway TONIGHT
Hi there creative types, don't forget that TONIGHT is the very last Night of the Creators for 2008. Be there and join Scary CRAFT's own "Sacred" Yoli Manzo, who will have some hand-molded sugar skulls ($1 supply fee each) for you to decorate, along with decorating tips, ideas and examples. Bring some embellishments and make your...
Friday, October 24, 2008
Ya Gotta Have Cattitude
I started this piece the night before last and it just sort of finished itself. It didn't hurt that I had a difficult morning (got wrong address, misdirection, stuck in construction traffic), so I came home and vowed to paint myself into a state of calm. It totally worked.
This is another mixed media piece on a wood plaque - approx 7"...
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
This Time Last Year (#3)
I've actually been blogging since late 2006 (postings on blogspot only go back to this March), so every now and then, I'll copy and paste an old blog entry. Here's another one:
I always get asked what kind of art I do. Quilter doesn’t really bring up images of fused applique skeletons and pop art icons… I avoid “seamstress” since I don’t like to construct clothing but LOVE to embellish ready-to-wear items… I also like to paint...
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Whew! This One's a RAMBLER! (UPDATED 11/8)
There's a new group in town made up of some familiar names in the outsider art community. Sacramento Art Connects is holding their first show, "You Call That ART?" at Side Show Studios in November. Luckily, the deadline for submissions was extended from the 17th to the 31st -HINT HINT creative types- so I finished a small mixed-media /...
Monday, October 20, 2008
Terroriffic Craft Projects with Madge Every Tuesday!
Hello my little scaries! Here is some really fun and super SCARY news I just posted on our craft group, Scary CRAFT's blog!
Thanks to Margot Potter's new craft blog, The Impatient Crafter, I've gotten what my old high school chum, Joe "Tex" Selby, calls 'bees in the head' - you know, like when you're playing with a cat and they're so excited...
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