
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Behind the Scenes and Inspiration: Red Kitty with a Pink Tail

One of the questions I hear most is "where do you find inspiration," followed closely by "what's the story behind that image?"  The answer to the first is "pop culture, life, music and my 'black comedy' sense of humor." While that is definitely true, it is also pretty vague, so I thought I'd start occasional posts that tell the stories behind and beyond some of my pieces.  Of course, sometimes, a painting is just a painting, so not all of my images will show up in this series.

mixed-media (soft pastels, charcoal, ink, molding paste) on canvas panel
people sometimes refer to this painting as "Joyce's Alzheimer's kitty"

In the summer of 2012, my mother-in-law, Joyce, was officially diagnosed with advanced Alzheimer's Dementia. It had been coming on for almost a decade of forgetting, arguing and battling until she was diagnosed in late 2011.  Things finally got so bad that she was hospitalized in the summer of 2012. While in the hospital, she insisted she saw a "red kitty with a pink tail."  She said the kitty had been coming in and out of her hospital room and asked my husband where she had gone.  He was educated enough about the disease to know telling her there was no kitty wouldn't help, so instead he asked her about it.  Joyce said that she was a "nice kitty" and when asked what the kitty was doing, Joyce replied, "Oh, you know. Kitty things."

My husband is convinced, because of my hair color at the time (crayola red, which had previously been magenta) that her brain turned "Krissi," into "kitty" and she was really talking about me. After all, I had been in and out of the room for several hours. 

The facility where she now lives promotes the idea of "going on the journey" with the Alzheimer's patients, so we continue to ask her about whatever she experiences on any given day.  The conversations have been interesting, and other "kitties" have come to visit her, but the jewel-toned Red Kitty never returned.

Prints and jewelry of Red Kitty with a Pink Tail are available at

See all Behind the Scenes/Inspiration posts.  

Is there an image you're curious about?  Drop me a line and ask me to talk about it in a future Behind the Scenes and Inspiration post.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013 Grand Reopening Giveaway #6: PIE AND CUPCAKES!

Welcome to the 2013 Grand Reopening Shenanigans Giveaway Extravaganza Event, Part VI!  Along with the help from some talented friends, I am celebrating the relaunch of my online shop (now with a proper shop host and my very own URL), by giving away awesome stuff.  

I call this giveaway...

The Pies and Cupcakes GIVEAWAY IS CLOSED.  Scroll down to see who won!

More giveaways are coming soon!

Want to see what we've given away already?  You can view the previous giveaways:
If you haven't won something from yours truly and the awesome artists listed up there, it's OK because there are still plenty more giveaways to come as well as some seriously sweet 'consolation' sales following each giveaway.  As a matter of fact...

Something's Fishy
features a modest mermaid and a
completely besotted fish
The 'consolation sale' for Giveaway #5 includes every item featuring the red haired mermaid and fish from Something's Fishy.   

That means you can get prints for $10 or pendants starting at $15 (with a few extra special goodies in there too).  Want earrings with just the fish?  OK - let's make a deal (that means e-mail me for the 35% off price and listing since they're not currently up in the shop).  As usual, no coupon is needed and the sale is active until the winner of this giveaway is announced!

Click here any time to see what's on sale at!

AND NOW [drumroll please] ...

The entry period for Giveaway No. 6 begins at 6pm (PST) on Tuesday, January 22 and ends at 9pm PST on Thursday, January 24.

The giveaway you've all been bugging me to do,
a Sara Lynch zombie pie bird!
My original Cupcake o' Guadalupe design glass tile ring, yes, I said "ring!"
May your cupcakes always be fluffy and moist.  Let us pray.

I met Potsdam, NY painter, photographer and ceramics artist, Sara Lynch, when I first joined Google+ last year (you can add Sara to your circles - and me too).  It was love at first ... whatever we call it here on the world wide interwebs.  She was funny, sarcastic, friendly and creative and, while I keep it off most of my official fan pages, she also swears like a longshoreman (just like me).  Because I also kept active on Facebook, I immediately stalked her over there and then went looking for her online shops.  What I found was something I'd been wanting for a long time - a pie bird.  But not just any old pie bird, a HANDMADE, ZOMBIE pie bird, complete with little "x"s for eyes!  I ordered two (and a little yellow birdie shot glass).  

One of my personal pie birds emerging
from a cherry pie.  You can't really see it,
but he's bursting through a heart.
Not only did the pie bird do what it was supposed to (that is, it vented steam from the pie to prevent cracking and distortion of the crust), but it looks great on my shelf as a knick-knack when I'm not baking.  Also, for the record, there is absolutely nothing as cool as bringing a pie to a party that has a zombie bird poking its way out of the center.  Nothing.

Cupcake o' Guadalupe design
from one of my 2007 art quilts.
Since I don't (currently) have anything zombie-themed in my shop to go with this, I briefly thought about doing birds, but decided to go the ironic baked goods route instead.  So I am giving away one of the limited edition 1" glass tile rings (silver plate/adjustable setting) with the image from one of my early art quilts - BEHOLD! The Cupcake o' Guadalupe! 

The entry period for Giveaway No. 6 begins at 6pm (PST) on Tuesday, January 22 and ends at 9pm PST on Thursday, January 24.  THE WINNER WILL BE CHOSEN AT RANDOM from all valid entries, and will be announced and notified by e-mail within 24 hours of the close of the entry period. Prizes will be mailed within 7 days after shipping information is received via USPS First Class Mail with delivery confirmation.

Here are THE ENTRY GUIDELINES, aka "how NOT to have your entry discounted, invalidated and/or ignored."  I recommend everyone read the guidelines.

Got it all?  Off you go, then.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, January 15, 2013 Grand Opening GIVEAWAY #5: Stupendous Sea Creatures

GIVEAWAY #5 IS CLOSED.  Scroll down to see who won!

More giveaways are coming soon!

Welcome to the 2013 Grand Reopening Shenanigans Giveaway Extravaganza Event, Part V!  Along with the help from some talented friends, I am celebrating the relaunch of my online shop (now with a proper shop host and my very own URL), by giving away awesome stuff.  Want to see what we've given away already?  You can view the previous giveaways:
Didn't win yet?  It's OK!  There are still plenty more giveaways to come as well as some seriously sweet 'consolation' sales following each giveaway.  As a matter of fact...

The 'consolation sale' for Giveaway #4 includes every item featuring POISON, Time Flies and Always Time for LoveThat means you can get prints for $10 or pendants starting at $15 (with a few extra special goodies in there too).  As usual, no coupon is needed and the sale is active through 9am, Friday morning, January 18th.

The entry period for Giveaway No. 5 begins at 6pm (PST) on Tuesday, January 15 and ends at 9pm PST on Thursday, January 17.

A tartan "Nessie" Ruggle by Bewhiskered!
It's a stuffed animal.  It's a security blanket.  It's just plain awesome!
"Something's Fishy" Mermaid and fish in love
1" glass art pendant from Krissi's Art Studio
Kenzie Jardina, creator of the Ruggle security blanket and Bewhiskered blankets has been a fixture in the DIY scene for some time.  She started making Ruggles when she had her first son, several years back - she initially wanted a baby rug with personality, but then wanted something a little more portable and toddler friendly as he started to grow up.  The very first Ruggle (a tiger) was born!  Even though I don't have kids of my own, I've known about Bewhiskered through the DIY community (we're a tight-knit bunch) and through my friends who do have kids.  Recently though, I started thinking about getting a Ruggle for myself (realizing, of course, that either the cats or my Jack Russell Terrier, Abby, would ultimately take possession of it).  Did you, my geeky commrades, know that she makes a line of Ruggles that are strictly mythical creatures?  In today's world, we all need a little extra feeling of security, wouldn't you say? 

The "Nessie" Ruggle is made of a high quality, super soft wool tartan (Watson Clan) with a super soft slate gray fleece belly.  Her navy blue eyes are appliqued on and are also fleece.  Her body contains quilt batting and her head is stuffed with fiberfill and can be used as a small pillow (or as a full pillow for a small head).  She measures approximately 17" across and is 35" from the tip of her snout to the end of her tail.
To round out the Stupendous Sea Creatures giveaway, I'm including a handmade glass and resin 1" pendant with my mermaid and fish image, "Something's Fishy" to ride along with Nessie on the way to your home.
The entry period for Giveaway No. 5 begins at 6pm (PST) on Tuesday, January 15 and ends at 9pm PST on Thursday, January 17. THE WINNER WILL BE CHOSEN AT RANDOM from all valid entries, and will be announced within 24 hours of the close of the entry period and notified by e-mail. Prizes will be mailed within 7 days after shipping information is received via USPS First Class Mail with delivery confirmation.

The common sense stuff: tweets and shares *must* be publicly viewable to be considered valid; all entries, shares and comments must follow instructions provided; entries which cannot be verified or which have not gone through the Rafflecopter widget will not be considered valid; exceptions are not made for people using mobile devices; if mailing address is not received from a winner within 72 hours of notification, another winner will be chosen.  

PRIVACY NOTICE: I will never use information from giveaway entries for my business (i.e., I won't copy your email and add you to a mailing list). Your contact information will only be used for winner notification and related communication, and I will not share your contact information with anyone (exception: if a prize is sent directly from a giveaway sponsor, I will put them in contact with you).


Got it all?  Off you go, then.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Intellectual Property 101: Ownership Rights-Customs, "OoaK" Pieces and Exclusivity

Howdy gang!  I haven't been here to talk about intellectual property (copyrights, etc.) for a while, so I guess it's about time to talk about what rights, if any, a customer has to keep a design/item exclusive.  That is, can they expect an artist not to make the same piece again. I spoke to these issues a little in my "Can I Use That Image?" and "You Stole My Idea! ... or did you?" posts, but the subject has come up several times in recent weeks on a few of the social media forums I frequent, so I thought some clarification was in order.

Let me take a moment to remind you all that I am not a lawyer.  I worked as an intellectual property analyst and licensing contract writer/negotiator for years, so I know just enough information to be dangerous.  This post does not provide all possible details or exceptions and DOES NOT constitute legal advice.  If you need advice, CONTACT A QUALIFIED ATTORNEY.  

Exclusivity Rights.  In short, customers are not entitled to an expectation of exclusivity when they purchase a handmade item or piece of artwork.  The exception* would be if the customer had a written contract from the owner of the intellectual property rights and the creator of the item (might not be the same person/entity) stating that the design, image, specific item, combination of materials, etc. would never be created or sold again.  It is generally unrealistic to expect most artists to agree to exclusivity, since licensing and viral marketing can be our bread and butter.  However, for those who think they can get this agreement from an artist, be sure to make your request before you pay and work begins.

"But what about..."

Custom creations.  A customer does not have the right to limit reproductions (prints, etc.) or recreations of  a custom item.  Even if a client gives an artist "the idea," the resulting work/design/image belongs to the artist. A potential client once asked me to paint a specific animal in my Skelekitty & Friends style, and then referred to the custom order as a "collaboration."   Since he did not pursue the order for other reasons, the issue was never discussed between us, but it can be important to make sure clients understand a bit about the rights retained by an artist (easy to do with an image/design rights notice on order sites and on a note with the delivery).   

example of my copyright notice, enclosed with all prints

A few weeks back, an artisan publicly posted on a public forum that they had "obtained permission from the client" to reproduce one of his own creations.  I immediately saw this statement as a dangerous reinforcement of the erroneous belief so many customers have: the belief that they own the image/idea when they purchase an item.  After speaking with the artist about intellectual property rights, I learned that he didn't "get permission" from the client as much as he asked them if they'd mind if he made more.  (He typically made one of each project, but reproductions of this item were in high demand after it was posted it online.)  So while the artist didn't technically have to ask the client if they thought it was OK for him to make more, it was definitely a good business move since communication like this develops and preserves existing and future relationships. (It's the kind of relationship building Weird Al does when he asks for permission to use a song before he does a parody, even though he doesn't legally need to do so, much to the chagrin of Coolio.  He asks because he respects the feelings of the original musician, not because the law requires it.)

Items marketed as "one of a kind."  Does "one of a kind" count as a written guarantee from the creator that nobody will ever have a similar item?  Nope.  Even if an item was marketed as limited or one of a kind, the artisan is not guaranteeing that they will not make a substantially similar item in the future.  I know, I hear some of you out there saying "but it said ONE of a kind!  That means it will never be made again!"  Not really.  Why?    It's nearly impossible to mass produce identical products by hand.  The very nature of handmade items makes each piece, even if they're all identical in design, one of a kind. 

How about I give you some concrete examples while I tell you about some super awesome art my friends make?

Let's say we have a ceramicist who makes, oh, let's say, zombie pie birds (which are so awesome that I have two of them!)  Many of these pie vents are made using the same design and glazes, but because they are all individually hand made -no molds- they are in fact each one of a kind.
Every pie bird in this family is one of a kind!

Similarly, I have a friend who makes bottles with etched skulls on them.  However, because she draws and cuts every single-use stencil by hand, each bottle is considered one of a kind - even though she might make 10 or even 100 of them.

Each hand-etched bottle by KitCameo is different because
her hand-drawn and cut stencils are used one time only
So let's move away from the whole idea of legal rights and limiting factors and talk about why you want to buy custom work if a few people might end up with an item like yours.
  • You are getting exactly what you want by ordering a custom, handmade item.  You never have to settle and the possibilities are endless.
  • Artisans take their craft very seriously and these items are made with love and are of very high quality (yes, there are 'bad sellers' out there, so do some research but keep in mind that even the best sellers may have one or two irrationally angry buyers floating around).
  • You learn about the creative element as it happens, and often get a chance to give input as your item as it is being created.  That's just cool.
  • Compliments!  People are really becoming interested in buying handmade and custom art and items draw attention to you.  Plus: you get to help out an artist by spreading the good word!
  • Bragging rights: you can brag that you were the first person to ask for this item/request this custom or that it's your dog someone painted, etc., etc., etc..  People dig your style!
and mostly
  • Because, assuming being an individual is so important to you that you demand a completely unique item, only one or two people in hundreds of millions might have something kinda sorta like yours.  And why would you want to damage a business you are supposed to be supporting?  That's what you are doing by asking some of them never to sell 'your' awesome item again.

Thanks for reading.  I hope this helps to clarify some more of the fuzzy areas of intellectual property that affect the handmade community and our clients.  I'll continue to write these articles as I see problems, disagreements and confusion around teh interwebz.

* as usual, I am not taking "work for hire" into consideration.  If you want to know every possible nuance surrounding these subjects, I suggest you consult an intellectual property attorney, or perhaps consider applying to law school yourself.

Friday, January 11, 2013 Grand Reopening Giveaway #4 - Kitties, Glitter and Heartbreak

Welcome to the 2013 Grand Reopening Shenanigans Giveaway Extravaganza Event, Part IV!  Along with the help from some talented friends, I am celebrating the relaunch of my online shop (now with a proper shop host and my very own URL), by giving away awesome stuff.  Want to see what we've given away already?  Look at Giveaway #1 with Brooke Van GoryGiveaway #2 with Geek In The City Comics, and Giveaway #3 with Madd Style Cosmetics.  Didn't win?  It's OK!  There are more giveaways to come and I announce some 'consolation' sales following each giveaway on the original blog post, Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

GIVEAWAY #4 IS CLOSED - scroll down to the Rafflecopter widget to see who won (psst! I still have more to give away!)

(if you are a winner, check your e-mail and reply within 72 hours to receive your prize pack)

*  *  *

Once again, as a sort of consolation, the Krissi's Art Studio prize from this giveway is going on sale with a HUGE discount.  Every item featuring POISON, Time Flies and Always Time for Love is on sale - that means you can get all prints for $10 or pendants starting at $15.  As usual, no coupon is needed and the sale is active through the end of the next giveaway, which will be announced on my blog tonight.

*  *  *  

The first randomly chosen winner will receive Unicorns, Glitter & Heartbreak
by The Kimberly Trip and a 1" pendant of POISON from my
(I chose this pendant because Kimberlina has one!)
The second randomly chosen winner will receive Unicorns, Glitter & Heartbreak
by The Kimberly Trip and a 1" pendant of Time Flies from my
The third randomly chosen winner will receive Unicorns, Glitter & Heartbreak
by The Kimberly Trip and a 1" pendant of Always Time For Love (pink background) from my
Hailing from Orange County and Sacramento, California, the Kimberly Trip was formed by guitarist Jeffry-Wynne Prince and drummer Bractune, self-confessed high-school nerds with sci-fi obsessions. Along with vocalist Kimberlina, and bassist Michaelandrew, the Kimberly Trip wraps pointedly funny social observations and introspective confessions around toe-tapping, pogo-inducing rhythms. The single "My Favorite Disaster" is the highlight of the Kimberly Trip’s knife-sharp humorous narratives, an ode to dysfunctional happiness that wears the nerd label like a badge of honor. However, the group has a serious side as well, best exemplified by the haunting "Memory Fades" and the understated ode to better days "Looking Toward the Sun."
"Unicorns, Glitter, & Heartbreak" is the 6th studio album from the band and has been called "A sonic masterpiece; A lo-fi, epic album with an explosive chemistry that is brimming with life-affirming vibes and buoyant rock & roll that is charming and irresistible.”

Frankly, I think they're the best band you haven't become addicted to yet. To prove my point, here are Jeffry-Wynne (guitar/coffee-shop dude), Bractune (drums), Michaelandrew (bass), and Kimberlina (she's the girl who's singing, the nerd behind the counter and the "frenemy") in "Drama @ The Coffeeshop" from that CD up there you are totally going to want to win.

Did I mention that the Kimberly Trip is hitting the road this Spring (2013) for a Pacific Northwest tour?  Yep, so maybe you'll even get to see them live (and oh, man alive, do they ever put on a show!).  The schedule looks like this as of this blog post:
  • April 10th, Salt Lake City UT
  • April 11th, Boise ID
  • April 12th, Portland OR
  • April 13th, Seattle WA
  • April 14th, Eugene OR
  • April 15th, Medford OR
The band is still organizing and booking dates, so if you have a suggestion or request for your area, please let them know.

Want to hear a little more?  WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?

I know adding to this CD prize pack is like gilding a lily, but what the heck.  I will also be giving away three different 1" art pendants from, one with each CD.
Each CD in Giveaway #4 will come with one of these three Krissi's Art Studio 1" pendants

the boring, important stuff:

The entry period for Giveaway No. 4 begins at 12:01am (PST) on Saturday, January 12th and ends at 11:59pm PST on Sunday, January 13th. THE WINNER WILL BE CHOSEN AT RANDOM from all verified entries, and will be announced within 24 hours of the close of the entry period and notified by e-mail. If no response (with mailing address) is received within 72 hours of notification, another winner will be chosen. 

PRIVACY NOTICE: I will never use information from giveaway entries for my business (i.e., I won't copy your email and add you to a mailing list). Your contact information will only be used for winner notification and related communication, and I will not share your contact information with anyone (exception: if a prize is sent directly from a giveaway sponsor, I will put them in contact with you).

Got it? Excellent. Off you go.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Marketing or Altruism? Maybe A Bit Of Both

Howdy all! First, thanks so much to everyone who has become a fan during the shenanigans surrounding the Grand Reopening and to those of you who have been around for a while. No matter when you found me, I really appreciate your support.

I wanted to talk a little bit about why I am doing the co-giveaways with different artists and indie businesses during my grand reopening.

Admittedly, there is a bit of marketing savvy to this approach. By asking other people's fans to follow me on Twitter or like my Facebook page, I will gain some new fans. Maybe I'll even keep a few after the giveaways. That's what's in it for me and my business and, if I'm honest (and you know that I am, often to a fault), giving away my work wouldn't be worthwhile if there wasn't at least some hope to develop relationships with new clients.

However, the real reason I chose the artists I did is that I really like them, and think that many of my fans would too - if they knew about them. Each artist represents a different aspect of the indie business community and I truly feel that their works are treasures that have been undiscovered by many. You don't have to be the world's biggest fan of the sponsoring indie company to win their giveaway! Heck, it's OK if you just heard of them this second. I only learned about most of these people and their company/art/comic/band in passing, from friends or through similar promotions, so I encourage you to look at (or listen to) the items we're giving away. Read the background on each company in their giveaway blog post, then click the links I provide. Check out their shops, blogs and/or YouTube videos. Scroll around on their websites (listed below) and fan pages. You just might find something you really like. I took a moment to find out what each artist was about once, and since then they have come to be some of my favorite things in the world. No kidding.

Each of these artists is very good at what they do, and they're good people too (or I wouldn't be working with them). So go take a look at what they have going on. I don't expect everyone will like everything, but I would be surprised if each one of you didn't like at least one of them; very surprised indeed.


Special thanks go out to these artists & groups (for returning my e-mails and donating stuff):  Ant Farm StudioBewhiskered, Brooke Van Gory Designs, EuroSunday, Geek in the City Comics (and Geek in the City Radio), The Kimberly Trip, Sara Lynch, and Madd Style Cosmetics.  They have all provided me with smiles and a quite a few of my favorite things.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013 Grand Reopening Giveaway #3: Starry Madd-ness

Welcome to the 2013 Grand Reopening Shenanigans Giveaway Extravaganza Event, Part III!  As you must certainly know by now, I am celebrating the relaunch of my online shop (now with a proper shop host and my very own URL), by giving away awesome stuff from some friends of mine (along with some of my own stuff, too).  Want to see what we've given away already?  Look at Giveaway #1 with Brooke Van Gory and Giveaway #2 with Geek In The City Comics, and don't miss out on the 'consolation' sales I run following each giveaway!

Giveaway #3 is now CLOSED - scroll down to see who won!

*  *  *

Once again, as a sort of consolation, the Krissi's Art Studio prize from this giveway is going on sale with a HUGE discount.  Every item featuring A Brand New Sky is on sale - that means you can get prints or made-to-order pendants for over 35% off.  As usual, no coupon is needed and the sale is active through the end of the next giveaway, which will be announced on my blog tonight.

*  *  *  

The SOLD OUT Limited Edition Stardust Collection
by Madd Style Cosmetics, featuring five black pigments
with color shifting glitter


One-inch art pendant of my painting "Brand New Sky"
featuring a girl hanging stars in a night sky

Madd Style Cosmetics Stardust Collection:  Very few of my fans will be new to Madd Style, since the owner, Mo Love, is a friend of mine and fellow founding member of the Corporate Rejects.  I have been a customer of Mo's from Day 1 of MSC, and I love what this woman does.  Much of which is inspired by all things nerdy (be sure to go and look at her collection of Doctor Who inspired matte pigments).  Her limited edition Stardust Collection (now sold out!) was inspired by Neil Gaiman's novel, Stardust.  The collection includes five black-based pigments with different glitters that change colors depending on how the light hits them: 
  • TRAVEL BY CANDLELIGHT has sparkles shift from gold to green to blue
  • STORMHOLD RUBY has sparkles that shift from red to orange to yellow
  • TO CATCH A FALLING STAR has sparkles that shift from blue to red to cyan
  • ACROSS THE WALL has sparkles that shift from blue to purple to red
  • GAVE HER HEART AWAY has sparkles that shift from indigo to purple to red
 The color-morphing glitter really has to be seen to be believed.  Luckily, she created a video so we can all see video-footage of these shadows in action.  

Everything Mo makes for MSC is 100% vegan, cruelty-free and made with love.  This collection is even safe for use on the lips!  Mo never uses icky stuff like talk, bismuth, harmful fillers or animal by-products in her creations and she runs a very tight ship when it comes to health and safety.  You will receive a brand new, unopened collection, still enclosed in the original packaging from MSC because we know this stuff is important to you (and to us!).

A Brand New Sky Art Pendant:  I'm adding in one of my 1" handmade glass and resin art pendants to this starry-inspired giveaway.  This pendant features a reproduction of my painting "A Brand New Sky," which was also inspired by something written by another artist, The Foo Fighters' Times Like These,
I am a new day rising
I'm a brand new sky
to hang the stars upon tonight.
I am a little divided
do I stay or run away
and leave it all behind?

And now, an important pause, before you run off and enter.  READ THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR EACH ENTRY CAREFULLY and follow them.   All entries will be verified and validated, and may be disqualified if instructions are disregarded.  It's only fair that everyone plays by the same rules.

The entry period for Giveaway No. 3 begins at 9AM (PST) on Thursday, January 10th and ends at NOON PST on Friday, January 11th. THE WINNER WILL BE CHOSEN AT RANDOM from all verified entries, and will be announced within 24 hours of the close of the entry period and notified by e-mail.  If no response (with mailing address) is received within 72 hours of notification, another winner will be chosen.  

PRIVACY NOTICE: I will never use information from giveaway entries for my business (i.e., I won't copy your email and add you to a mailing list). Your contact information will only be used for winner notification and related communication, and I will not share your contact information with anyone (exception: if a prize is sent directly from a giveaway sponsor, I will put them in contact with you).

Got it?  Excellent.  Off you go.

a Rafflecopter giveawayAn important note, especially for international entrants: The Stardust Collection cannot be replaced. Neither Krissi's Art Studio nor Madd Style Cosmetics will be responsible for replacement of lost or damaged shipments..

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Giveaway #2: Skelekitty, La Brujeria and La Llorona

Welcome to the 2013 Grand Reopening Shenanigans Giveaway Extravaganza Event, Part II!  As you must certainly know by now, I am celebrating the relaunch of my online shop (now with a proper shop host and my very own URL), by giving away awesome stuff by some friends of mine (along with some of my own stuff, too).


JANUARY 9TH!  As a consolation of sorts to those who didn't win, my La Llorona 8x10" print is on sale (only $10!) through the close of Giveaway #3, which will be announced later today.

So here's the Prize Pack of Extra Awesomeness #2:
Yeah, I know this meme has been done to death.  It still cracks me up.
So sue me.
This prize pack comes to you from the twisted and VERY geeky mind of Mr. Aaron Duran of Portland, Oregon.  Aaron is the creator of La Brujería, published by Geek In The City Comics, and which is described as "a supernatural comedy that mixes Mexican and Latin American folklore with European fairy tales around the strangest pawn shop the world has ever seen."  Why, just last week, this comic was featured on where Issue 3 has cracked The Top 100 for download purchases!
"Read the comic that readers claim 'Mashes up Artemis Fowl, The Middleman, and Ghostbusters. Throw in an angry Irish werewolf, a midget Chupacabra and a 20-something woman just looking for a job (other than serving drinks in a strip club) and you've got one of the most fun, refreshing indy comics I've read in the past ten years!'"
Aaron is offering the winner of this giveaway digital downloads of the first three issues, and (and mind you, this is the good part) a guest appearance, including grisly death, the manner and form of which is to be determined, in a future issue (#4 is already being drawn, but I've heard there is going to be "lots of killing" in issues 5 through 7!).  Dude.  Seriously.  How cool is that?  As part two of this prize pack, I am upping the ante with an 8x10" print of my La Llorona painting.
"La Llorona" 8x10 print by me (Krissi Sandvik.  duh.)
I'd like tell you the true value of this prize pack, but how can you put a price on a personalized grisly death in a comic?  I know I can't.  It's somewhere between $20.00 and priceless.

There are plenty of ways to enter (including a Batman question - because Aaron Duran might just be The Bat). Off you go, then!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The entry period for Giveaway No. 2 begins at 9AM (PST) on Monday, January 7th and ends at 9am PST on Wednesday, January 9th.  THE WINNER WILL BE CHOSEN AT RANDOM from all verified entries, and will be announced within 48 hours of the close of the entry period and notified by e-mail.  If no response (with mailing address) is received within 72 hours of notification, another winner will be chosen.

Before you enter, you will want to take a moment to read the "fine print," and then be sure to follow the guidelines.  Read the instructions for comments and questions carefully, since all entries will be verified.  

We'll have more to give away later, though!  Lots more!  This, as they say, is only the beginning.

    Thursday, January 3, 2013

    Relaunch Shenanigans Giveaway #1 with Brooke Van Gory Designs!

    Welcome to the 2013 Grand Reopening Shenanigans Giveaway Extravaganza Event, Part I!  To celebrate the relaunch of my online shop (now with a proper shop host and my very own URL), some friends of mine and I will be giving away some amazing prizes and extras over the next week or so.


    So here's the Prize Pack of Extra Awesomeness #1:

    This prize pack includes an official "Krissi Van Gory" bag - OH MY GOD!!!  This is an original Brooke Van Gory Designs Roxie hobo-style bag in glitter, rainbow zebra print with a hand-painted Skelekitty & Crossbones panel painted by yours truly on the front! The dimensions on the Roxie bags are 15x12x5". The height where the bottom of the dip is is 10" and the strap length is 28"  I can attest to the quality of these bags as I own a few and carry them EVERYWHERE.

    Want more?  OK!  To sweeten the pot, I'm tossing in a 1" glass and resin art pendant of the Skelekitty & Crossbones design on black.  Value?  Your first born.  (No, not really, but it is worth over $75.)

    The entry period for Giveaway No. 1 begins at 9AM (PST) on Friday, January 4th and ends at NOON PST on Sunday, January 6.  THE WINNER WILL BE CHOSEN AT RANDOM from all verified entries, and will be chosen within 48 hours of the close of the entry period and notified by e-mail.  If no response (with mailing address) is received within 72 hours of notification, another winner will be chosen.

    Before you enter, you will want to take a moment to read the "fine print," and then be sure to follow the guidelines, since I will be verifying all entries.  

    We'll have more to give away later, though!  Lots more!  This, as they say, is only the beginning.

      a Rafflecopter giveaway


    • 15% OFF everything with coupon code shenanigans15
    • 20% OFF your total purchase over $40 (not including shipping or tax) with coupon code shenanigans20over40
    • 25% OFF your total purchase over $50 (not including shipping or tax) with coupon code shenanigans25over50

    2013 Giveaway Rules, Guidelines and Common Sense Instructions

    So you're entering to win free stuff in the 2013 Grand Reopening Shenanigans Giveaway Extravaganza!!  OK!  This is exciting!!  Well this part isn't exciting, but by reading it, you'll ensure that your entries count, which means you're that much closer to winning!

    All these rules and requirements aren't to try to trick you; we need to be able to make sure all the entries are valid to keep the giveaway fair to everyone.

    First, let's talk about how to enter:  

    Rafflecopter:  I use to track and verify all the entries.  That means that all entries must go through that Rafflecopter widget (at the bottom of each blog post).  If you tweet about a giveaway without going through the widget, that tweet won't even appear as an entry.  Use the widget for all entries.  I will not count entries if you message me about an action after the fact.

    Follow-through:  Be sure to complete all steps for each entry.

    Entry Verification:  If your entry cannot be verified, it will be disqualified.  Be sure to follow instructions.

    Winner Selection:  Rafflecopter uses to choose each winner from the verified and validated entries.  Nobody receives preference.

    Who Can Enter?  Any US resident** over 18 can enter except previous winners of the 2013 Grand Reopening Giveaways, and family members/employees of the current giveaway sponsor.  If you donated a prize, you may enter to win in the other giveaways.
    **Some giveaways are open internationally or to US/Canada, so check the Terms and Conditions at the bottom of each Rafflecopter widget.

    Next, let's talk about the spirit of the entries:  

    The purpose of these giveaways is to promote the sponsoring businesses.  We don't do this because we have stuff we are so desperate to get rid of that we'll spend days on a giveaway and then pay to ship it to someone.  I always think this stuff is common sense, but then the excitement sets in and people get carried away, so here it is all spelled out.
    • Tweets:  Tweets are seen/shared for a short period of time, so you can usually enter by tweeting every day of the contest.
      • Use the tweet provided - it contains the information that we want it to.  It's OK to modify the tweet a little, but be sure that ALL information is correct and that all @'s, #'s, urls and links are present and accounted for.
      • Your tweets must be public (your tweets cannot be verified if you have a private account). 
    • Pins/Pinterest:  We know "pins" will be viewed and shared well after the contest is over.  New people will continue be exposed to an awesome handmade item/artist for months to come when you pin.  So make sure to:
      • pin the correct image.  
      • pin on an appropriate board (e.g., "Handmade Awesome" not "Giveaways.") Why?  Well, say six months after the giveaway, someone sees a pin on "Giveaways" and they head over - only to find out the giveaway is over.  You see the issue.
      • include the website and/or business name so anyone can find that source without too much trouble.
      • say something relevant and positive about the item, not just the giveaway (same as 'pin to an appropriate board' above)
    • Mailing lists:  You must verify/approve your subscription to any mailing lists for your entry to be considered valid.
    • Comments:  
        To keep them relevant, talk about the items, shops or artists (not the giveaway).
        Not sure what I mean by positive?  Well, start by staying away from any sentences with don't, can't, ...but..., never, and related negatives and restate what you want to say in the positive:
        • Instead of "I'd never heard of ____" try "I'm so glad you introduced me to ______!"  
        • Instead of  "I wish I could afford to buy..." say "I seriously LOVE that ________."  
        • Instead of "I like that  ______ but wish it was a different color" say "The __________ design is so awesome and I really love it in blue!"  
        • Sometimes you are asked to answer a question.  Remember that people reading the blog later aren't going to know what your comment means out of context.  If I don't ask you to cut/paste the question, be sure you state your answer in a complete sentence and that you include the question in your answer.
          Example, if the question is "Who is your favorite Batman?"
          :( - "Adam West."
          :D - "My favorite Batman is Adam West." (cool points if you elaborate)
    • Mobile Devices:  Some websites and features may not work on all mobile apps and mobile browsers - this is one of those letdowns of operating solely with a smartphone, reader or small tablet.  No exceptions will be made because someone is using a mobile device; all entries will be subject to the same rules.
    The unspoken rule:  If we learn that you're one of those people who enters contests and then lives off the profits of selling what you've won, there is a good chance that the fans will publicly shame you.  The IRS doesn't look kindly on that kind of nonsense, either.

    And now, for the all-important PRIVACY NOTICE: 

    I will never use information from giveaway entries for my business.  That means I will not use the giveaway information to collect your email and add you to a mailing list or something equally spammy.  NEVER. Your contact information will only be used for winner notification and related communications, and I will not share your contact information with anyone except select giveaway sponsors who are mailing prizes directly to winners (and I expect these businesses to follow the same privacy guidelines.
    Good luck!

    Wednesday, January 2, 2013

    The Grand Reopening Shenanigans and Giveaway Extravaganza Event Is A-Comin'!

    If this is the first you're hearing of the Shenanigans, you might want to start with this post.

    First, THE SHENANIGANS START ON FRIDAY, JANUARY 4TH!  What does that mean?  That means that the completely new will be open for business (you can have a sneak peek at the non-shopping stuff now) AND the giveaways will begin!  If you want to make sure you don't miss out, keep your eye on this blog or check my Facebook fan page.  I'll also be tweeting, posting on Tumblr and also on Google+, but this is your home base.

    The Giveaway Philosophy:  I wanted to do something a little different than the usual giveaways.  While the point of the Grand Reopening Shenanigans Extravaganza Event is definitely my way of calling attention to the new online shop (replacing Etsy/ArtFire), I wanted to do more than just that, so I put my thinking cap on and blazed some new collaborative ground (am now "in cahoots with") with some artisans I really think you will like, but may not know about.  Each item is something completely different from stuff you see me do, except that there's a definite, and very rich, vein of geekery running through the prizes because, ... I know I don't have to elaborate on that.

    The Goodies:  In no particular order, you can expect to see some pretty fantastic stuff from indie creatives and artist, such as:

    • Music from Sacramento-based geek-pop band The Kimberly Trip, (who will be touring the Pacific Northwest and environs this spring!)  I love these guys - their songs are both silly and very well executed, and if you ever have a chance to see them live, do not pass it up.  Their cover of Berlin's Metro will melt your face and the "Jack The Monkey" finale is worth the price of admission alone.
    • A collection of geekishly inspired eyeshadow colors from Wisconsin's Madd Style Cosmetics.  I've been friends and creative team members with the owner Mo since this company was just an idea.  The bright colors with tongue-in-cheek and nerdy names belie the amount of work and health and safety due diligence that this one-woman show puts into her company.
    • Issues of La Brujería comic (with color by James Sinclair) from Portland, OR based Geek In The City Comics.  Writer Aaron Duran is also one of the voices behind the Geek In The City weekly podcast which, since I discovered them through his equally nerdy and creative wife Jenn Alvin (who also does the lettering for the comic), has kept me in no short supply of giggle-snorts.  Aaron and I have also cooked up a little extra tidbit for this giveaway.  You comic fans will LOVE it, I promise.
    • A hand-crafted ceramic pie bird ... wait, that's not quite right.  A hand-crafted ceramic ZOMBIE PIE BIRD (complete with x's for eyes) by the twisted and adorable Potsdam NY artist, Sara Lynch.

      wow.  that's a lot.
    • A guaranteed-geeky ruggle by Kenzie at Bewhiskered just outside of Atlanta, GA.  What's a "ruggle?" It's not a pillow, it's not a blanket, it's not a rug, and it's not a stuffed animal.  It's ALL OF THOSE THINGS.  I've been enamored of these for a few years now and keep wondering how I can have one for myself and keep the dog and cats away from it.  Maybe I need four of them.  All dragons.  If I go missing, I suggest looking in the back of my closet under the mythical beastie ruggles.  Or, you know, don't.  
    • Some of you know that when I'm not painting or playing with my dog, I like to drive my little sports car.  Fast.  Around a racetrack.  For those of you who are also gear-heads, I'm happy to say that Eurosunday is donating an 11x17 2013 calendar featuring some pretty darned cool cars next to some equally cool airplanes.  And no, my car isn't in there, but you can admire it here (mine is the red one).  
    • Chicago-based Brooke Van Gory Designs has committed to "something awesome," which, let's face it, could be anything she makes. I mean, have you SEEN her stuff?  I'll be it'll be a little on the 'extra-awesome' side though.  And yes, you may quote me on that.
    • There may even be a few other items added as we go.  The artisans and DIY community are getting pretty wound up about this!  Yippee skippee!  
    Don't let your eyes glaze over just yet though, because to EACH of these giveaways, I will be adding something from Krissi's Art Studio!  It might be a coupon code for everyone, or it might be a pendant added as part of the prize pack.  What will I be giving away?  That's just it, we don't know!

    The Boring, Yet Critical, Details:  The giveaways will be done sequentially, not concurrently.  That means I'll be doing one giveaway at a time, so the Shenanigans Extravaganza will be going on for well over a week!  You'll need to pay close attention to find out when your prize pack comes up in the rotation and then read the rules of each contest carefully before entering.  Invalid entries will be disqualified.  Don't worry though, I will spell out the rules and requirements clearly for each and every giveaway.  We WANT you to win!

    Please, for your part, share the links, spread the word, tell your friends, etc., because that's how we thank the wonderful artists who donated their work.  Then check back on Thursday night and Friday for more information!  

    And now, I'd better go make sure that shop is going to be ready for Friday.  JUSTIN!!! FRESH POTS!

    Love, Krissi & Skelekitty